Owens Lake Cave and Underwater River Traditional Cache
Owens Lake Cave and Underwater River
Size:  (small)
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Only about 250 meters from Foster Thurston Drive in Rockwood Park,
spelunk the cave and claim your cache.
This is now a regular cache (was virtual) thanks to mlord.
Please see mlords posting below for more clues on finding the stash.
Here's the quote from his message "we added a hidden treasure (logbook, pencil, and goodies) in a small tupperware style container inside the cave! The SMALL shallow container is on a high shelf (and covered with rocks) just before the cave bends sharply down and left."
I personally like to save time and park on the side of Foster Thurston (I always want to say Thurston Howell the Third across from the road with the blue metal gate. The trip to the cave from the road is thru some pretty open woods so it only takes about 5 minutes to reach the cave from here
Remember this is a cave so take all of the normal precautions for caving (find a hardhat - unlike me - I use my hard head instead)
I love this cave because the opening is pretty large and you can hear the brook running down into it. Cool.
Additional Hints
Lbh'yy frr gur ynetr bcravat. Lbh'yy urne gur jngre ehaavat qbja vafvqr.