Number 1579 in a series of caches where a red telephone box is in close proximity to a post box. The only rules are that they have to be able to be photographed together, be not more than 100’ apart and the phone boxes have to be red.

This post box is in the wall next to the old School now a house but the old school bell is still on the roof, and the Church is just past it.
Find the following
What number Albert Road = A
Fifth Character + sixth Character of Post box No = B
Saturday Post time - Clevedon post time = C
Monday post time - Saturday post time = D
Clevedon post time - winford post time = E
Monday post time - Clevedon post time = F
Friday post time = G
Seventh Character of post box No = H
Forth Character of post box No = I
Wednesday post time = J
Cache is at N51 AB . CDE W002 FG . HIJ
Now Take a drive to the cache as it is some way off due to another nearby cache.
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