I wuz diggin out sum stuffs and had sum bits n peaces of old toys and games and a cupla offis sapplies. Nuttin to make a contaner but I culd make me a puzzil. I scuupt up all the bits n peeces and throod em all in the jar. You can take it back to yer car to figger out the puzle but pleese put it back when yous gits it figgered out.
To git to the real prize, you has to figger out the new coordinates.
North is 43 10. Blue Number, Paper Clips, Monkeys + Yellow Number
West is 085 42. Domino + Pink Number, Sum of Red Numbers, Clothes Pins + Pencil Sharpeners + Washers
Watch for the twist - Chekems is 15 and 22 spektivly