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Saskatoon Cache and Release 2023 Event Cache

This cache has been archived.

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Hidden : Friday, 26 May 2023
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

26 May 2023, 17:30 - 23:45

SCAR: Saskatoon Cache And Release 2023

This event involves hiding caches during the time leading up to the SCAR event, finding the SCAR caches over the designated 24 hour period, not the time period you see above, and then meeting up at the Floral Community Center to share SCAR stories & award prizes!

This means... get out there and HIDE! HIDE! And hide MORE!

First time at SCAR? Make sure you read the rules below to get familiar how this 24-hour event goes and how you can participate.

The Hides:
Hide one or more caches between now and Saturday May 20th at midnight. Caches hidden for the event are to be placed and submitted on or before May 19th to ensure that the reviewer has sufficient time to approve all the hides.

Please include SCAR2023 at the end of the title (e.g. My Cool Cache - SCAR2023) to facilitate searches by keyword. Please do not put a space between the word & the number!

All SCAR caches should include a note to the reviewer stating that it is placed for the SCAR event and should be published the evening of Thursday May 25th, 24ish hours before the official kick off of the SCAR event. Please mention on your cache page that the cache is for the SCAR event, and should not be sought out until after 5:30 pm on May 26th.

The idea here is to give everyone time to look at the cache listings and devise their battle plans for when the hunt begins at 5:30 pm.
We encourage creativity so here are some rules about hides placed for SCAR:

  • Any and all types of caches are allowed (except Adventure lab).
  • All caches sizes are allowed.
  • All hides must be hidden within approximately 150 km of N 52° 08.062 W 106° 38.859 which is the starting point for this year.
  • All hides must be made to remain permanent following the event for everyone to find at their leisure.
  • If you plan to make your cache available only for premium members, we ask you to make them public for the duration of the event and change them to 'premium members only' status afterwards.
  • We appreciate it if participants hide at least one cache but it is not a requirement. If you are from out of town & want to participate in hiding, talk to local cachers about adopting or maintaining your SCAR cache. We all benefit from caches being hidden & the more that are hidden specifically for this event the more fun this 24 hour hunting marathon will be for everyone.
  • If you do not know how to hide a cache then please email us & we will be happy to help you hide your first cache.

The Hunt:
At 5:30pm on Friday May 26th, all SCAR caches become fair game and the hunt begins. If your Geocaching User name includes more than one person, all members of the Geocaching User Name who are caching during the event must be at each cache together at the same time. Feel free to find as many or as few caches as you can and want.

During the hunt, please document the time of your find in the logbook to inform subsequent finders how close they are behind you. You may also want to carry a notebook because you will want to keep track of your stats over the weekend.

Please note that if you are caching with a group of cachers you all share the stats for example if your group is the first to find a cache, you all share that honour & the next group to come along will count the second to find. The hunt for the SCAR2023 event ends at 5:30pm May 27th, 2023.

The Gathering:
At 6 pm Saturday May 27th, we will gather for a meal to share stories and to award prizes for achievements accomplished during the event. This year for the BBQ, we have again rented the Floral Community Centre just outside of Saskatoon located at N 52° 03.410 W 106° 31.020.

We will start the awards portion of the evening around 7:30 pm. Be sure to be there early enough that your stats can be included when calculating who gets which awards so that you don't miss out. The festivities should finish sometime between 8 and 9 pm.

Details on the BBQ will be announced closer to the event.
Don't forget a lawn chair! We also encourage everyone to bring reusable plate, cup and utensils. Let's do our part to reduce our trash!

Please note in your 'will attend' log if you intend on appearing at the gathering and how many will be accompanying you so we can have an idea of numbers. All cachers are welcome whether or not you've participated in the rest of SCAR2023 or not. The more the merrier!
Also, we anticipate continuing our tradition of having another couple of events accompanying this main event.  Keep an eye out for these events to be published closer to SCAR weekend.

Credit should be given for accomplishments achieved during the event. At the gathering we will award a variety of prizes including gift cards, apparel, accessories, swag items and more!
The categories include (but are not limited to):

  • Cacher with the most hides (a 1-year premium membership is up for grabs!)
  • Cacher with the most finds
  • Cacher with the most FTFs
  • Cacher with the most STFs
  • Cacher with the most DNF's (If you need to get a hint from another cacher before finding the cache, this counts towards your DNF total)

There will be an assortment of items up for raffle and prizes
Anyone who is hiding a cache for the first time will have their name entered in a draw for a geocoin.

​Post Event:
All SCAR caches should be made permanent for all cachers to find at their leisure following the event. Remember, whatever you hide you must maintain. Hopefully you all will get busy with lots of hides to help make this event a success as well as increase our cache population in the Saskatoon area. Its always great to see lots of participation. Hopefully the weather this year will cooperate. Nothing like a fresh batch of hides and a 24 hour marathon of cache hunting to get your blood pumping!

Feel free to include the SCAR2023 logo on your cache listings or use it anyway you like as long as its in a respectable manner. The logo, along with our sponsors and other information about the event can be found on the official SAGA website.

Thank you to DoryXplorey for creating the logo this year!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)