Priest Lake seen from Cougar Rock
Cougar Rock, a.k.a. Kinner Point or simply "The Radio Tower," is a small outcropping of rock that sits above the eastern shore of Cavanaugh Bay on Priest Lake. The site is home to a mass of towers and antennas, including the local television translator. However, despite the rather ugly structures bristling from its summit, the view of Priest Lake from Cougar Rock is outstanding (especially at sunset).
The road leading to the summit, located about 2 miles off of the pavement, is gated in order to prevent vandals from easily driving in and making away with equipment, but walkers are welcome. To drive to this point, leave the paved Eastside Road at N 48° 31.001', W 116° 48.993. The road forks almost immediately; go left on the Camels Prairie Road and climb for 1.8 miles. The gated road leading off to the left here is the road to Cougar Rock. The hike from the gate is about two-thirds of a mile, and includes a quick drop followed by a quicker climb.
Alternatively there is an irregularly maintained trail leading up from the paved road below toward the Rock, but it is difficult to locate unless you know where to look. For details on it, see the nearby "Our Favorite Place" cache.
The cache container is a drab olive .50-cal. ammo can with "GEOCACHE" stenciled in yellow on multiple sides and an "Official Geocache" sticker affixed.