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#14 [Trail] Veselo v Kamnik in urno naprej Traditional Cache

Hidden : 4/27/2023
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Geocache Description:

Trail "Veselo v Kamnik in urno naprej"

Trail je poimenovan po verjetno najbolj priljubljeni pesmi o Kamniku, ki je tako rekoč kamniška himna. To je skladba, ki se v izvirniku imenuje Kamniška polka, a jo vsi poznamo le še kot Veselo v Kamnik – po prvem verzu besedila.

Pot nas popelje preko kamniških vrhov, ki mestoma nudijo izjemne razlede na mestece, na Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe, pa tudi Gorenjsko in Ljubljansko kotlino.

Začne se z vzponom proti Staremu gradu (in ga obide) oz. Krniški gori (585 m), kjer stojijo ostanki gradu, ki je bil prvič omenjen v listini iz leta 1202 in je tako eden najstarejših in najvišje stoječih gradov na Kranjskem. Grad je bil zapuščen že v 16. stoletju po rušilnem potresu in kasnejšem požaru, danes pa stoji le še nekaj zunanjih zidov obrambnega zidu, ki je varoval do danes povsem porušeno grajsko poslopje. Na vrhu boste našli prijetno Grajsko gostišče, kjer se boste lahko odžejali in najedli.

Naprej nas pot vodi na Špico. Vrh Špice (660 m) je razgleden in pozdravlja obiskovalce. Hrib je poraščen z mešanim gozdom, ki ga je temeljito razredčil žled, tik pod vrhom pa je že dolgo gol. Na jugozahodno obrnjeni jasi je postavljenih več klopi, na katerih obiskovalci počivajo utrujene okončine.

S Špice se pot nadaljuje proti z gozdom poraščenem vrhu Lancar (711 m), kjer nekaj metrov prehodimo po lokalni cesti Kamnik - Velika Lašna.

Z Lancarja sledi rahel spust, nato pa se spet povzpne preko samotnega travnika s prežo do vrha Vrtače (758 m). Od tu se vrne nazaj preko Lancarja proti Tolsti gori (734 m). Z vrha zaradi gozda ni lepega razgleda. Ima vpisno skrinjico.

Pot se od tu začne spuščati proti izhodišču. Ob poti je soteska Suhega potoka. Po zaključku traila pa se lahko odžejate v pubu Pod skalo, v poletnem času pa se lahko osvežite na kamniškem bazenu.

Za celo pot boste potrebovali med 3 in 4 ure. Priporočamo pohodno obutev in palice. Primerna je za družine in ne vključuje nikakršnega plezanja ali težjih prehodov. Nekoliko previdnosti je potrebno le pri zadnjem delu, pri sestopu s Tolste gore (oz. vzponu, če delate trail v obratni smeri).

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Trail "Merrily to Kamnik and onwards"

The Trail is named after probably the most known song about Kamnik, which is practically Kamnik's anthem. It is a song that is called Kamnik Polka in the original, but we all know it only as Merrily to Kamnik - after the first verse of the lyrics.

The route takes us over the Kamnik peaks, which in some places offer outstanding views of the town, the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, as well as Gorenjska and the Ljubljana basin.

It starts with a climb up to the Old Castle (and bypasses it) or Krniška Gora (585 m), where the remains of the castle stand, which was first mentioned in a document from 1202 and is thus one of the oldest and highest standing castles in Carniola. The castle was abandoned in the 16th century after a devastating earthquake and subsequent fire, and today only a few outer walls of the defensive wall that protected the castle building, which has been completely destroyed, remain standing. At the top, you will find the pleasant Castle Inn, where you can refresh yourself and have a meal.

The trail continues to Špica. The top of Špica (660 m) is panoramic and welcomes visitors. The hill is covered with mixed forest, which has been thoroughly thinned by the hailstorm, and just below the summit it has been bare for a long time. Several benches are placed in the south-west-facing clearing for visitors to rest their weary limbs.

From Špica, the trail continues towards the forested peak of Lancar (711 m), where a few metres are crossed on the local road Kamnik - Velika Lašna.

From Lancar there is a slight descent and then it climbs again through a lonely meadow with a stile to the top of Vrtača (758 m). From here it goes back via Lancar to Tolsta gora (734 m). There is no view from the top because of the forest. It has a registration box.

From here the trail starts to descend towards the starting point. Along the way is the gorge of the Suhi potok (dry stream). After completing the trail, you can refresh yourself in the Pod skalo pub, or in the summer time you can refresh yourself in the swimming pool in Kamnik.

The whole route will take between 3 and 4 hours. Walking shoes and walking poles are recommended. It is suitable for families and does not involve any climbing or difficult crossings. Some caution is needed only on the last part, the descent from Tolsta Gora (or the ascent if you are doing the trail in reverse).

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

fzerxn bo cbgv / fcehpr ol gur genvy

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