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Biblioteca do Porriño Traditional Cache

Hidden : 5/6/2023
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:




Situada no centro do núcleo urbano do Porriño as instalacións da biblioteca municipal ocupan gran parte do Centro Cultural da nosa vila. Trátase do histórico edificio das Escolas Graduadas, construído entre 1926-1929 polo arquitecto Antonio López Hernández, que sería restaurado e reaberto no seu estado actual no ano 1990.

O edificio albergaba as antigas Escolas Graduadas, unha obra do eclecticismo clasicista que fora construída entre 1926 e 1929 polo arquitecto Antonio López Hernández. Este gran inmoble, no que estudaran varias xeracións de porriñeses chegaría ata nós sen alteracións no seu aspecto exterior, pero perdida a función docente sufriría unha profunda remodelación interna. Seguindo un proxecto do arquitecto Carlos Andrés Vallejo en 1993 sería transformado no actual Centro Cultural Municipal. Con esta actuación lográbase concentrar nunha unidade espacial todos os servizos de carácter cultural do concello, entre os cales destaca a biblioteca, xunto co Departamento de Cultura, a OMIX, a sala de exposicións e o auditorio municipal.

A biblioteca ocupa o primeiro andar do edificio, aínda que realmente todos os espazos do edificio forman un conxunto funcional e son multidisciplinares. A biblioteca tamén conta cunha sala de estudo situada no Centro Cívico próximo.



FOTO SPÓILER: no recinto do edificio, magnético.

As coordenadas levarante á carretera: o caché cerca, está no recinto da bilioteca, entra e busca...




Located in the center of the urban nucleus of O Porriño, the facilities of the municipal library occupy a large part of the Cultural Center of our town. This is the historic building of the Escuelas Escalonadas, built between 1926-1929 by the architect Antonio López Hernández, which would be restored and reopened in its current state in 1990.

The building housed the old Stepped Schools, a work of classicist eclecticism that had been built between 1926 and 1929 by the architect Antonio López Hernández. This immovable grain, in which several generations of Porriñeses had studied, would come down to us without alterations in its external appearance, but once the teaching function was lost, it would undergo a profound internal remodeling. Following a project by the architect Carlos Andrés Vallejo in 1993 it would be transformed into the current Municipal Cultural Center. With this action, it was possible to concentrate in a spatial unit all the services of a cultural nature of the city council, among which the library stands out, together with the Department of Culture, the OMIX, the exhibition hall and the municipal auditorium.

The library occupies the first floor of the building, although really all the spaces in the building form a functional whole and are multidisciplinary. The library also has a study room located in the nearby Civic Center.



SPOILER PHOTO. In the library enclosure, magnetic.

With the coordinates going up the road: the cache is nearby, it is in the library enclosure, go in and look...

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Ragen ab erpvagb qn ovoyvb, zntaégvpb. Va gur yvoenel rapybfher, zntargvp.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)