
Ruta peonil e ciclista Freixeiro Xubia e Neda

Situado á dereita do barrio da Xuvia e do seu paseo marítimo, cunha ponte que une as ribeiras de Narón e Neda.

É un lugar magnífico para sentarse, observar, deixar pasar o tempo, observar o ir e vir de persoas de todas as idades, nun oasis onde xogar, facer deporte, gozar das vistas e da tranquilidade.
Con esta serie de cachés queremos dar a coñecer esta Andaina.

Coidado, moita discreción.

Freixeiro Xubia and Neda pedestrian and cycling route

Located to the right of the Xuvia neighborhood and its promenade, with a bridge that connects the banks of Narón and Neda.

It is a magnificent place to sit, observe, let time pass, observe the coming and going of people of all ages, in an oasis where you can play, play sports, enjoy the views and the tranquility.
With this series of caches we want to make this Walk known.

Be careful, a lot of discretion.