Iconic GadgetCache
A field puzzle awaits - solve to retrieve the logbook and claim your find. Please reset / scramble the puzzle when you are finished.
Important Notes:
- The cache is locked with a 4-letter vertical combination lock. Code = 'TOTT''
- There is a BONUS cache, (Iconic GadgetCache - BONUS! GCAFF20). You will need information from the SOLVED PUZZLE in order to unlock the mystery of the bonus cache location - directions posted inside the GadgetCache, or see GCAFF20 cache page for details on requirements.
**UPDATE** The battery is now internal, and is routinely maintained by Cache Owner.
Note: If the 'Green Light' or the 'Open Button' do not work once the puzzle is solved, it means the battery must be replaced - Please contact CO in that case. 🪫 --> 🔋
Good luck and happy caching!
Congrats to MsBirder and FLASH Jr. 373 on their shared FTF!!
This cache has been featured by Geocaching HQ
Iconic Gadgetcache – Geocache of the Week – Official Blog