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Kitty Jail Mystery Cache

Hidden : 1/14/2024
4 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Shout out and Thanks to toolrep1 for playtesting this puzzle :-)

CONGRATULATIONS TO HiDude_98 and Mrs_HiDude for FTF on 1/28/2024!

 THE CACHE IS NOT AT THE POSTED COORDINATES.  You're gonna have to do a little sleuthing to get the real coordinates. This is a puzzle meant to be solved at home.  There is no reason to go to the posted coordinates before solving for the coordinates at home. The posted coordinates will, however, bring you to a good place to park your car while attempting to find Kitty Jail.  Cache is available from dawn to dusk only.

First to Liberate (FTL) the Kitties from Kitty Jail gets a Kitty Jail commemorative T-Shirt (Size: Large)  All others, help youself to one of the five Kitty Jail keychains I initially put in there

This puzzle does not require tedious steps, math/counting, or specialized knowledge.  Anyone can solve this puzzle rather quickly with a little bit of what some might call "lateral thinking". It might also help to know that I like to hide things in plain sight.

Historical Note:  The cache was published on 1/15/2024. Since there was no FTF as of 1/23/24, I began posting daily hints so that there could a fair FTF with everyone working on the puzzle having the same information. After the FTF, I deleted those hints. If you are working on this puzzle and would like these hints, message me and I will give you the hints one at a time, until you solve the puzzle, or I run out of hints (there are five of them).  Do try to solve this on your own first, though.  You'll have more fun that way.


Two cats have wreaked havoc over the 2023 holidays and now find themselves locked up in Kitty Jail!  Oddly enough, their prison resembles a plastic ammo can in the woods at a location that encourages repentence and contemplation.  Despite being implicated at multiple crime scenes, the Kitties have consistently maintained their innocence and claim they have been framed!  Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to review the chronology and evidence to figure out a way to bust them out of lockup.


The victims of the two incidents below claim damages in the amount of  $30.14 USD in carpet-cleaning fees and band-aids.

12/23/2023 -  On the Eve of Christmas Eve, two giant hairballs were discovered on a priceless heirloom carpet in an Amarillo, Texas area home.  Forensic examination of the evidence indicates that the hairballs were not only feline in origin, but also appeared to contain bits of plant matter commonly found in funerary wreaths. 

12/10/2023 -  A bird known as Mr. Tweety was found injured and unconscious near his residence.  Upon regaining consciousness, Mr. Tweety was unable to identify his assailants.  However, six of Mr. Tweety's associates who were at the scene, and had a Bird's Eye View of the attack, reported that Mr. Tweety was batted about by two gray tabby cats.  

In the next two cases, Travis County claims damages for cleanup and restoration of a scenic View in the amount of $97.54 USD.  The mice, although traumatized, did not file any damage claims for their case.  

12/5/2023 - Two separate, but related thefts from a hoard of cat treats were reported.  After the thieves apparently met in a nearby Valley to divvy up their stolen Treasure, they mistakenly ate too much of their ill-gotten booty and vomited all over a scenic lookout, spoiling the View.   Forensic analysis of the stomach contents reveal that it is feline in origin.  

11/24/2023 - The day after Thanksgiving, two gray tabby cats were observed donning ghost costumes in order to scare three blind mice playing in a Cemetery.  The cats managed to escape apprehension.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

CHMMYR: UVAG 1: Qrfcvgr gur pvephzfgnagvny rivqrapr ntnvafg gurz, gur Xvggvrf unir n fbyvq nyvov ba 12/23/2023. UVAG 2: Bapr lbh oernx gur Pbqr, hfr gur svefg ahzore. PNPUR: Ebpxl yrqtr. Rnfvre gb fcbg sebz orybj guna sebz nobir.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)