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Ljubljanski spotikavčki / Stumbling stones Virtual Cache

Hidden : 1/27/2024
1.5 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   virtual (virtual)

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Geocache Description:



"Oseba je pozabljena šele, ko pozabimo njeno ime"

Vsako leto 27. januarja obeležujemo dan spomina na žrtve holokavsta. Na ta datum se spominjamo osvoboditev največjega koncentracijskega taborišče druge svetovne vojne – Auschwitz. V času njegovega delovanja je v njem umrlo približno 1,1 milijona ljudi, izmed katerih je bilo največ Judov in političnih zapornikov. Vanj so deportirali 2.300 ljudi iz Slovenije: večina je bila Slovencev, med deportiranimi pa je bilo tudi okoli 350 Judov in 78 Romov. Domov se jih je vrnilo le okoli tisoč – tako je Auschwitz eno izmed največjih pokopališč slovenskih žrtev druge svetovne vojne. 

Spotikavci (nemško: Stolperstein) so tlakovci z imeni in priimki judovskih družin, ki so bile umorjene v holokavstu.  Pred hišami, iz katerih so jih odpeljali, so jim postavili majhne spomenike - spominske granitne kocke z njihovimi imeni. So delo nemškega umetnika Gunterja Demniga in predstavljajo največji memorial žrtvam nacističnega preganjanja. 

Memorialni spomeniki so v Ljubljani položeni  v spomin na judovske meščane Ljubljane, ki so bili v času II. svetovne vojne zaradi porekla izgnani iz svojih domov in odpeljani v različna koncentracijska taborišča po Evropi. Tlakovci, prevlečeni s slojem medenine in vklesanimi osebnimi podatki posamezne žrtve, so danes postavljeni že v več sto mestih po Evropi, med drugim v Nemčiji, Avstriji, na Češkem in Madžarskem.



Odgovore na vprašanja pošljite preko GC profila. Zaklad lahko nato brez čakanja na povratne informacije tudi logirate😃. V primeru napačnega ali pomanjkljivega odgovora vas informiram. Vpisi ne smejo vsebovati odgovorov na vprašanja, prav tako pa ne smejo biti vpisani brez vnaprej poslanih odgovorov. Takšni odgovori bodo nemudoma izbrisani. 

  1. Na začetnih virtual koordinatah boste v tleh našli štiri izmed 68 spotikavcev raztresenih po Ljubljani. Citirajte imena, ki so zapisana na tlakovcih spomina.
  2. Enega si pobližje oglejte in mu na oko izmerite širino ter dolžino. Odgovor zapišite v cm2  (dolžina x širina). Glede na to da so približno kockaste oblike, bi znali izračunati tudi volumen (cm3)?
  3. S pomočjo zemljevida obiščite vsaj še eno izmed lokacij. Zapišite katero ste obiskali ter koliko spotikavcev se tam nahaja.
  4. K vpisu priložite sliko sebe ali predmeta z vašim GC imenom in datumom obiska, vsekakor pa mora biti na fotografiji viden vsaj eden izmed spotikavcev - za lepši spomin.





"A person is forgotten only when we forget their name"

Every year on January 27th, we commemorate the Holocaust Memorial Day. On this date, we remember the liberation of the largest concentration camp of World War II – Auschwitz. During its operation, approximately 1.1 million people, mostly Jews and political prisoners, lost their lives in Auschwitz. Among them were 2,300 individuals deported from Slovenia, the majority being Slovenians, but also including around 350 Jews and 78 Romani people. Only about a thousand of them returned home, making Auschwitz one of the largest burial grounds for Slovenian victims of World War II.

"Stolpersteine" or stumbling stones are cobblestones with the names and surnames of Jewish families who were murdered in the Holocaust. Small memorial granite blocks with their names are placed in front of the houses from which they were taken. These are the works of German artist Gunter Demnig and represent the largest memorial to the victims of Nazi persecution.

Memorial monuments in Ljubljana are laid in memory of Jewish citizens who were expelled from their homes during World War II and taken to various concentration camps across Europe due to their origin. Paved with a layer of brass and engraved with personal details of each victim, these cobblestones are now placed in hundreds of cities across Europe, including Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Hungary.



Send answers to questions via GC profile. You can log the cache without waiting for feedback 😃. In case of incorrect or incomplete answers, I will inform you. Entries must not contain answers to questions and should not be logged without previously sent answers. Such responses will be promptly deleted.

  1. At the initial virtual coordinates, you will find four of the 68 stumbling stones scattered around Ljubljana. Quote the names written on the memory pavement.
  2. Take a closer look at one of them and visually measure its width and length. Record the answer in cm(length x width). Since they are approximately cubic in shape, could you calculate the volume (cm3) as well?
  3. With the help of the map, visit at least one more location. Write down which one you visited and how many stumbling stones are located there.
  4. Take a picture of yourself or an object with your GC name and the date of the visit to the log, making sure that at least one of the stumbling stones is visible in the photo - for a better memory.



Virtual Rewards 4.0 - 2024-2025

This Virtual Cache is part of a limited release of Virtuals created between January 17, 2024 and January 17, 2025. Only 4,000 cache owners were given the opportunity to hide a Virtual Cache. Learn more about Virtual Rewards 4.0 on the Geocaching Blog.


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