I hope your flashlight batteries are charged, and you have a good walking stick, it's nighttime and the game is afoot!
Here’s how it works: For 12 consecutive days beginning December 13th (Day 1), a new cache will be published and every day afterwards until December 24th. If you are able to First to Find, FTF, one of these daily caches, an FTF Cachemas Ornament will be in the container for you to keep. Once again, L Frank has designed a unique ornament that can be converted to a cache container for a future hide; or, you may keep it, your choice. PLEASE, if you get an FTF on one of the 12 days, do not go for another one until Bonus Day, let someone else have the fun. This year, there will be a Bonus Cache on December 28th. EVERYONE is eligible to FTF the bonus whether or not you have FTFed a Cachemas hide. This cache can only be found by using all the codes contained inside of the container of each daily cache. Keep these codes and use them to solve the location of the Bonus cache which will publish on December 28th. The method to solve the Bonus will be included in the final day Cache description, and I am promised, it is not a difficult solution. We are publishing the Bonus four days after Day 12 in order to give cachers extra time to acquire any codes they may need.
Lights, Cameras, Action! Here we go again with this year's night cache, for the first time here in Forest 44. You'll start at the parking lot, grab a trail map at the kiosk, then head down the Dogwood Trail. After the creek crossing, head for the first checkpoint, 3 white reflectors, where you should be on a wide gravel trail. Follow this until you get to a fork in the trail, look for 3 white reflectors to tell you which fork to take. Do this for the next 2 forks also. After this you will go a short way until you find five white reflectors near a picnic table, here, look for three white tacks in a vertical line and three orange tacks in a vertical line above them. And off you go! You will be following a double set of orange and white tacks for this course.

Here is what you'll be looking for!
This should be a great jaunt through the woods, the white and orange tacks that lead you around until you find one large reflector that is aimed at the final location about 30 feet away. Watch your step, be safe, and have fun!
My special thanks to Crowesfeat30, Geokid, and Major 134, who all helped me get this up and running.
Park hours are: 4:00 am to 10:00 pm