White Wall Multi-Cache Multi-Cache
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This Multicache will bring you to Oberursel near Frankfurt. You can park your car at the coordinates given below.
Stage 1:
At the parking place you will find several signs showing the area nearby. One of the signs guides you to the “Pumpwerk Hohemark”. Insert the biggest number on the sign above the “Pumpwerk Hohemark” sign in the following calculation to get the coordinates of stage 2:
N 50° 12.(Number-1101)
E 008° 30.(Number-1077)
Stage 2: You will find a small that contains the coordinates of Stage 3.
Stage 3: You will find a micro that contains the coordinates of the final cache.
As the satellite reception is pretty bad in the deep woods all stages are in areas where the woods are not that dark and deep. The whole search will last between two and three hours.
Have fun!
UPDATE 22.05.2011: Durch das neu gebaute Taunus Informations Zentrum (TIZ) sind die Schilder an Stage 1 nicht mehr vorhanden. Gefragt war nach dem Taunusclub 1878 (Number=1878).
UPDATE 05.02.2012: Coords für Stage 3 leicht angepasst
Additional Hints
Fgntr 2: Jhemry
Svany: Fcbvyre Cvp