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gerbiL cacHe Traditional Cache

Hidden : 11/25/2000
2 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

1st cache in the Gar^den S#Tat@E?!! thinK so.

terrAin/dif=ficulty 2/2 , eaSy hikinG trAils, buT some ROcks and hilLY, miNima L n"0vice climbINg requiRed to finD i%t.

cache: weiRD cylinder-Type Rubb#erM@id conTain]Er, LonG, buT s+mall.
smAll iTemS, fee;l frEE takE# /lEAve \thingiE w/smA!l


-RamApo ReSerVa$tion.
-riDG__E trA)i(l
-finD naturAL ovErlook(iE noT "offiCial"), oVer riDGE/small
vAll ey, 5 metERs or so offTRail.
-its neAR giAnt bu)_uriEd boulDERs verY lonG, all yOU see ARE topS (thinK of the BAck of a whal/E)-caREful, theRe are 2 spoTs like thiS=-cahCE at 1.
-scaMpER doWn riDge a ver_y liTTlE, creVice betw3en 2 BoulDers ,has treE growing iN it. LooK At bASE of TREE in creV ice.

*makE sure nOOnE arouD/coVEr w/lEaves bArk when finiShEd pleASE!

cach=e_ninjA ;)

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