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Potomac Overlook Traditional Cache

Hidden : 02/02/2003
2 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Take a hike in the beautiful Yankauer Preserve to locate the oldest geocache in Berkeley County, WV! The terrain is rolling and wooded but not very rugged. On many days, you'll have the place to yourself. Total distance is about 2 miles.

The Yankauer Preserve is named for Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Yankauer, who donated it to The Nature Conservancy in 1967. Today, it is still owned by the Nature Conservancy and managed by the Potomac Valley Audubon Society. There is a parking lot at: N39 30.100 W77 51.185 Park in the left side of the lot if you want to be closer to the kiosk starting point. Please start at the trail by the Kiosk. The Kingfisher Trail will take you by a river view, from which this cache gets its name. A short leg of off-trail navigation will be needed to reach the cache. The river view is at: N39 29.920 W77 50.766. (It's a better view in the winter and early spring before the leaves come out.) A trail runs very near to the cache. It is best to stay on the trails to minimize impact on the vegetation. The cache is at N39 29.886 W77 50.911. The box is a traditional ammo container. Thank you to Hober for originally placing the cache.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Hfr gur Fbhgu Genvy gb trg pybfrq gb gur pnpur. Vg'f nobhg 70 srrg sebz gur genvy. Ybbx nzvqfg gur ebpxf.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)