Stiffy By The Liffey Virtual Cache
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Dublin's latest and controversial attraction located in the position formerly occupied by Nelson's Pillar.
The Spike is a winning design by Ian Ritchie Architects of London chosen from an international field of 205 entries. The majority of the entries were from Ireland but were also received from Europe, America and even Iran. The field was short listed to three, Jonathan Bennett, Dublin based architect, Ian Ritchie Architects of London and Hunt McGarry, Architects, also based in London.
The Spike is a conical spire of rolled stainless steel plate which tapers from 3 metres in diameter at the base to a 0.1 metre pointed pinnacle at a height of 120 metres. The top 12 metres of the structure is illuminated from within and the top 500 mm of the structure is made of conically cast optical glass.
The upper part of the monument will gently sway in direct response to the wind reflecting the character of its climate, landscape and people.
Cache Logging Requirements
To log this Virtual Geocache, you must take a picture (within a reasonable proximity of the spire) of your caching name with the spire in the background, and attach it to your found log. For those opting to take a picture close, the spire must be recognizable in the photo.
Please Note:
- The picture should clearly display your caching name and the Spire. Unclear pictures will not be accepted.
- Your name must be included in the picture at the time of taking it and not added afterwards and it should not be digitally added.
- Pictures taken from an unreasonable distance from GZ will not be accepted.
- Do Not send me the picture, attach to your log.
- Logs without a picture may be deleted without notification. If you plan to post the picture at later time, please post a "Write Note" rather than a "Found it" log.
- In regards to Group pictures, the same photo is permitted but all names in the group must be included in the picture and readable. The group photo should be uploaded to the log of each finder.
Additional Hints
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