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Mission 7: Crab Creek (Project APE) Project APE Cache

This cache has been locked, but it is available for viewing.
Hidden : 07/05/2001
2 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   large (large)

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How Geocaching Works

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Geocache Description:

After the close call during the Los Angeles cache there was more than a bit of hesitancy before we gave the go ahead on this mission. We’re traversing into the heart of the beast on this one, just outside of Washington D.C. After much debate our underground agents assured us that they would be able to plant the cache cleanly and complete the operation successfully. From the sounds of this report it seems our fears were justified. Our agent reports in:

“This will be short. Seems my driver and I picked up a tail after hiding the cache. I don’t think they saw where it was hidden, but that doesn’t help us now. Just in case we can’t shake the tail I’m burning the paper work with the coordinates and notes as soon as I send this transmission.

Here’s the info on the cache. It’s about a 20 minute hike into the woods on a natural, uneven trail. Because of tree cover the accuracy of the coordinates is only accurate to about 52 feet so spend some time and hunt around.

That’s it I have to act fast they’re gaining on us. Good luck.”

NOTE!!! 2Wheel'in is now a joint owner of this cache with us. If You see any problems while visiting the cache, please feel free to contact either one of us.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[PARK HOURS: SUNRISE - SUNSET. DON'T GET LOCKED IN! :)][There have been reports of a Copperhead snake residing near or possibly UNDER the cache. Please use caution when moving and opening!!! If you do get bit, seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY]

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)