Lake Martin Bay Pine Island Traditional Cache
Lake Martin Bay Pine Island
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On an island in the middle of Lake Martin. A boat is required to reach the island. Sit on rocks for a great view.
Cache is buried in a wooden military box with a new waterproof box within. The top of the box is even with the surface of the ground. It is covered with leaves so you have to look for it. The view is great facing west so it might be nice to visit the area in the late afternoon. The cache contains some cool stuff for kids, fisherman, and almost everyone else. Go discover what is there and have fun looking for it! I love Lake Martin and hope that you will enjoy your search and the beauty of the lake.
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Arnerfg Znevan vf Onl Cvar. Ragre gur vfynaq ba gur jrfg fvqr ng gur fnaql ornpu arne gur jnfurq hc zrgny sybng (vagrerfgvat vgrz). Tb hc fgrrc uvyy hc. Obk vf ohevrq oruvaq ebpxf ng gbc.