On the way to the Pink Lighthouse Traditional Cache
On the way to the Pink Lighthouse
Size:  (regular)
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Sur le chemin du phare rose |
At the northern end of Bréhat Island, the Paon Lighthouse (with white, green and red sectors) warns the boats of the proximity of this beautiful but dangerous rocky coast.
In the moors facing the lighthouse, numerous piles of granitic rocks provide good opportunities to place caches.
Au nord de l'Ile de Bréhat, le phare du Paon veille sur une côte de granit rose très spectaculaire et dangereuse.
La cache se trouve sous un amas de rochers situés dans la lande en face de la pointe du phare.
Additional Hints
Ybbx ng gur cubgbf - Ertneqrm yrf cubgbf.