1st Annual GeoWoodstock Event Cache
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Saturday, 21 June 2003
 (not chosen)
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Its going to be at Waterfront Park in Louisville
KY. Rain or Shine
This is a very laid back event to meet and greet fellow enthusiast and discuss geocaching ideas from around the country .
You may want to bring a lawn Chair.
This event has been put together by a few caching fiends that wanted to get together anyway and decided to invite everyone else. These cachers have made plans to be there: ( in no particular order ) Bruce S, Southpaw, CCC Cooper Agency, The Lil Otter, JoGPS, Robert Lipe, Show Me The Cache, DLiming, and several more.
This event will start at 11:00 AM in the park, stop and pick up your happy meal on the way there, this way you will have lunch and a trinket to trade later in the day Heeee Heeee.
Please R.S.V.P. with a note on this cache page.
At long last, I just got final confirmation that we can use a campsite at Tunnel Mill Scout Reservation (TMR). The delay was due to the fact that there will be a Junior Leader Training course underway at the camp and that the whole camp was blocked out for it. I had to get the OK from the course leader to use the campsite.
The coordinates of the campsite are 38º 29.302N 085º 37.397W. The main gate of the camp - the only entrance we should use - is located at 38º 29.033N 085º 37.265W.
The campsite's name is Sequoya and there is a narrow dirt track leading to it so that campers can drive vehicles to the site and unload. Vehicles then must be relocated to the parking lot by the administration building located at 38º 29.232N 085º 37.553W.
No alcoholic beverages or firearms are allowed on this, or any other, Boy Scout camp.
To get to the camp from Louisville, take I-65 N into Indiana. Turn east on to I-265, toward Charlestown and Jeffersonville. Turn onto Why 62 East toward Charlestown. From the second traffic light, where Hwy. 3 intersects with Hwy. 62, continue on 62 for about another ¼ mile and turn left onto Monroe Street. Monroe St. is the second street on the left and is located between an exterminator business and Webb's Body Shop. Proceed on Monroe to the second street on the right. This is Tunnel Mill Road. A little less than 4 miles down Tunnel Mill the road crosses 14 Mile Creek and then bears left up a hill. At the top of the hill the road turns sharply about 90º to the right. There is an entrance to the camp at that bend, but do not enter there. Proceed along Tunnel Mill until the road bears left again. The main gate to the camp will be on the left. Proceed down the dirt road until you come to the first small dirt track on the right. Take that track and bear right up the hill when you reach the clearing. Sequoya campsite is behind the bath house that you will see ahead on the left.
You will see a sign that tells you that you must check in with the Ranger or Campmaster. You need not do this. I am a Campmaster at the camp and I will check the group in and out. Simply proceed to the campsite and set up. Quiddler
Thanks to Quoddler for setting this up
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