Pure Pearl Virtual Cache
Size:  (virtual)
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Hazineye ulasmak coook kolay ama yuruyerek imkansiz. Koordinatlari GPS'inize girin ve aracinizin sizi goturmesine musade edin... (Denizden olan yuksekliginiz sorulabilir, Lutfen not edin :-)
To reach the cache is so easy but impossible by walking. Just put the coordinates into your GPS and let your vehicle to take there... (Elevation may be ask, please notice :-). (Photos are highly preference)
Additional Hints
Jrypbzr gb Rhebcr!!!!!
Jrypbzr gb Nfvn!!!!!
Cyrnfr abgvpr gung guvf vf gur havdhr pnpur ba gur rnegu gung lbh fubhyq cnff sebz bar pbagvarag gb nabgure gb svaq vg. Urapr, xrrc lbhe TCF ba jura lbh unir n gbhe va Vfgnaohy. Jub xabjf, znlor lbh svaq vg va na harkcrpgrq gvzr. :-)))))