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Haunted Blue Ghost Tunnel Cache Multi-Cache

Hidden : 05/17/2003
4 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

This cache is located near the Blue Ghost Tunnel ( ) and used to require you to brave walking into the tunnel and counting the support arches inside to find the actual cache location!

Parking N43°08.599 W79°10.046 (Woodend Conservation Area) and follow the Bruce Trail West There are also single car parking areas along Glendale beside the old canal, but no official trail to the cache from here. This tunnel, once part of the NST line (Niagara St. Catharines Toronto Line) was constructed in 1875 and then in disuse by 1900. The cribbing on the floor of the tunnel is not original and was put in when the Seaway Authority put the support arches in. The cribbing covers the original floor and track for 3/4 of the tunnels length now. It is approximately 665 feet long and bends throughout it's length. Is it Haunted? You tell me... Once you find the micro, head off for a short distance to the actual cache. Please place the actual cache back the way you found it. Cache has moved slightly ADD .001 to the North and SUBTRACT .004 from the West coordinates that you will find at the Tunnel. I have also included a spoiler pic of the final location to assist in finding it. There is a clue printed on the inside of the lid that was for the Happy cache series which has been archived. Bring a camera and take some photo's who knows who or what will show up! Interesting website about the area: DyverDown

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Vs lbh ernyyl pnag svaq gur pnpur be whfg jnag gb purpx lbhe nafjre gura qrpbqr ba. Vs lbh ner qrpbqvat guvf whfg gb trg gur ybpngvba funzr ba lbh! (be ner lbh gbb fpnerq bs fgnaqvat arne gur ghaary?) Zvpeb vf haqre gur Abegu Jrfg pbeare bs gur ghaary jvat. Npghny vf uvqqra orfvqr n ynetr ebpx jvgu n cvrpr bs fgrry V ornz pbzvat bhg bs vg.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)