Rainbow Hydrothermal Vents Traditional Cache
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Rainbow Hydrothermal Vents
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I placed a small plastic horse, now called "Sea Horse", beside a Hydrothermal Vent at the sea floor 2300 meters down.
Using the Russian Mir Submersibles, we placed our "Sea Horse", and travel bug #TB31F1, at the sea floor. We were on a scientific research mission. Good Luck Finding it! Please return it if you do!
- Richard Garriott
Amended 5/06/05:
For the record, this geocache is real, and can be found. Most years Deep Ocean Expeditions (www.deepoceanexpeditions.com) takes people down to these vents, and you can go too! It is done as a cooperation between eco-tourism and extremophile research. Scientific study of high temperature bacteria and anaerobic life forms are subsidised by taking tourists to the vents. I have visited them twice myself. With 10-30 people visiting a year, I presume one will be a geocacher like me... sooner or later!
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