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Pirunlinna Geochallenge, Lempäälä Mystery Cache

Hidden : 06/15/2003
4.5 out of 5
4 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

This is our second cache in Pirunlinna and very different from the first one. Welcome!

“Now, Harry,” cried the Professor, in an enthusiastic tone of voice, “we are truly about to take our first step into the Interior of the Earth; never before visited by man since the first creation of the world. You may consider, therefore, that at this precise moment our travels really commence.”

As my uncle made this remark, he took in one hand the Ruhmkorff coil apparatus, which hung round his neck, and with the other he put the electric current into communication with the worm of the lantern. And a bright light at once illumined that dark and gloomy tunnel!

The effect was magical!

            Jules Verne: A Journey to the Center of the Earth

* * * * * * * * * *

Finding this cache starts with a mathematical homework. If you come to the cache area from west by car, you have to leave your car at the official parking place which is located at

    N 61°  22.787
    E 023°  49.118.

From that point the bearing to the cache is 74.23 degrees.
There is also unofficial road from south, and if you use that way you may park your car at

    N 61°  22.886
    E 023°  50.251

From that point the bearing to the cache is 273.24 degrees.

Hints for the calculation

The angle values are true bearing. Zero degrees is pointing to locations having equal longitude in WGS84 and higher latitude value, 90 degrees is pointing to east. Here the Finnish YKJ coordinate system is not parallell with WGS84, at this point the rotation angle between the systems is about 2.8 degrees. The nearest KKJ zone gives, however, somewhat better accuracy. The magnetic deviation here is about 6 degrees, don't trust your compass too much! The geometry is quite sensitive to angular errors, one degree error may yield about 40 meter error in position.

The cache

The cache is multi-cache type. Angular calculations guide you to the position of the first step where a small/regular container is well hidden in a first cave located in one of the sides of Pirunlinna. A picture illustrating the cave opening is attached. Only some meters from the cave opening there is a small unofficial camp under a big stone, people have had there open fire.

First step contains position information about the regular sized and carefully hidden main cache. Both steps require crawling through caves. The first container is not visible, but you can feel it with your right hand, if you are tall enough (about 180 cm). The second container is behind some small stones.

More practical advices:

  • You will absolutely need a flashlight, even in daytime.
  • Your clothes will become dirty when searching the cache.
  • Please, be very careful! Take a friend and a safety helmet with you.
* * * * * * * * * *

“Forward!” cried my uncle. Each took up his burden. Hans went first, my uncle followed, and I going third, we entered the somber gallery!

Just as we were about to engulf ourselves in this dismal passage, I lifted up my head, and through the tubelike shaft saw that sky I was never to see again!

Was it the last I should ever see of any sky?

          Jules Verne: A Journey to the Center of the Earth

Additional Hints (No hints available.)