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Eight acre wood / Osmikorcový les Traditional Cache

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Geocache Description:

Tak nejak vypada osmikorcovy les


Ten den bylo venku moc krásne. Bylo tak krásne, že kvetla i voda. A geoprasátko nemelo co delat. A tak vyrazilo do osmikorcového lesa hledat skrýš pro dárek k narozeninám. Pruzkum skrýše dopadl nade všechna ocekávání dobre. Zapomnelo sice doma mašli, ale nic si z toho nedelalo. Takže když se ted ješte trochu sehne, povede se mu schovat dárek tak, že ho nenajde nikdo jiný než ono samo. Jeste jednou zkontroluje, jestli uvnitr neco nechybí ... ale v osmikorcovém lese se najednou rozhostilo ticho. Geoprasátko ted neslyší ani samo sebe. "Kde to vlastne jsem," reklo by si ted samo pro sebe, když by se slyšelo.

Až se vypravíte ho hledat, dávejte pozor, kam šlapete. V lese se pokuste nevzdalovat se príliš daleko od cesticek. Bydlí tady i nekolik desítek druhu pavouku, brouku a motýlu, netopýri, žáby, colci, slepýši, užovky a jesterky. Proste sousedi, ze kterých by každá správná carodejnice mela radost.

Pri troše štestí po ceste narazíte na informacní tabuli o území Cerný orel.

It was beautiful day outside. It was so beautiful and the water was in bloom. And geopiglet had nothing to do. So it went out to find a hiding place for a birthday present into an eight acre wood. Results of the prospecting were better than expected. It forgot a bow in its house, but didn't care too much about that. So now if it could bend down a little more, it could hide the present so that nobody else could find it. One more check if there is nothing missing inside ... and the silence fell in the eight acre wood. Geopiglet hears neither itself. "Where am I," it would say for itself if it could hear that.

If you set out to find him, watch your steps. Don't go more than few meters away from paths. Dozens of spiders, bug and butterfly species, bats, frogs, smooths, blindworms, grass snakes and lizards also live here. Simply neighbours that would every witch love.

With a bit of luck you can meet an info panel about the Black eagle territory.


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