Sleestak Seastack Multi-Cache
Team Screamapillar: This cache has been archived.
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Near the edge of Day Mountain, there is a fascinating geological formation. Our cache takes you up a rough trail to a site long admired and rarely visited.
The Sleestak Seastack is named for the "seastack," a huge column of rock that was forced around by the ocean, by ice, and at one time by vandals.
Legend has it that in the 1920s, this was a popular spot for picnicing and entertaining. Local ne'er do wells shoved the top rock off of the seastack. Area residents were very upset by the vandalism, and a steamshovel was driven up the mountain to replace the top rock. The area fell into disuse, so all that effort was for naught. Until now.
Inside the cache:
1. Geocache Oval Bumpersticker
2. bubble stuff
3. two smileyface tennisballs (for your dogs)
4. yellow keychain
5. pink gel pen
6. Graveyard Ghost Travel Bug
The trail is rather rough. It is an old stream bed. Look for square granite markers that were once used to mark the road.
Parking: Because Rte 3. has no good parking right near the cache, parking can be difficult.Drive past the Blackwoods Campground, (on your left) and past the park trailhead (on your right shortly thereafter). Continue on Rte. 3 to an old stone bridge. The road begins to curve to the left and there are 3 big yellow arrowy signs. Prior to the signs, after the old bridge, there is a shoulder and about 3 cars can fit safely there.
July 31, 2003 A Note to Prospective Visitors:
Treeboy expressed to me that he's concerned with the condition of the area around the cache. There's a great deal of foot traffic damage on the moss and lichens surrounding the seastack from climbing and other activities.
He described the area as getting trashed and so I'm posting this note to encourage future visitors to come up into the area carefully and exercise common sense in placing footfalls.
Do your best to LNF, Leave No Footprints. Don't climb the seastack or let your kids use it as a jungle gym. While I personally realize how hard that is, having a very adventurous climber for a child, I also know that cachers themselves and the kids/dogs they bring don't bring malicious intent to the environment and grounds they visit. At this location though, tread extra softly once you get there. It is a rugged place but does require our care... We want to be able to keep this one here for a while, and want people to see the grooviness of the sleestack seastack.
Tread Lightly and Cache On, my brothers and sisters, dogs and kids!
Much love, christine screamapillar
Additional Hints
Svefg Pbbeqvangrf: Gerrobl jbexf jvgu cynagf... uvqqra va n pyhfgre bs gerrf vf n gbby bs uvf genqr. Arkg pbbeqvangrf jevggra hcba vg.
Npghny Fvgr: Uvqrl ubyrf ner sha gb frnepu. N ebpx bs n qvssrerag pbybe znexf gur fcbg.