Five Dogs Up on Top! Mystery Cache
lowracer: Cleaning out some old puzzle caches for recycling.
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A Puzzle cache for the Kids to solve! Container is a 50 cal ammo can painted flat black. Dogs are of course welcome at the cache site!
(Story and artwork © 2003 Mark Gessner, All Rights Reserved.)
Dogs, Dogs in the house.
Look, you Look! Count them up!
Just how few Dogs can there be?
Dogs, Dogs.
Five Dogs Sniff.
Five Dogs know. Five dogs smell.
Five Dogs know each other well.
Dogs! Dogs!
Five Dogs Sniff!
Five Dogs Strange! Five Dogs growl!
Five Dogs know each other Not at all!
Look! You Look! Count them up!
Just how Few Dogs can there be
So Five Dogs know each other well
Or Five Dogs Strange as Strange can be?
You Count more. But I Count fewer!
Just how Few Dogs can there be?
So Five Dogs know each other well
Or Five Dogs strange as strange can be?
Answer the question posed in the puzzle; let's call that answer Y. Further, let the most significant digit of your answer be denoted by A. Plug A and Y into the following formula to compute the location of the cache.
N 30 [20.A63 + (Y/1000)]
W 097 [50.A91 +(Y/1000)]
Additional Hints
[True Spoilers]
1) Abg ernyyl na rnfl ceboyrz, abg fbyinoyr ol xvqf rkprcg znlor puvyq cebqvtvrf.
2) Vg'f abg arprffnevyl nobhg qbtf.
3) Jung vf gur zvavzhz ahzore bs qbtf gung zhfg or vaivgrq vagb gur ubhfr fb gung ng yrnfg Svir qbtf jvyy xabj rnpu bgure BE ng yrnfg Svir Qbtf jvyy abg xabj rnpu bgure?
4) Vg'f xvaq bs n 'cnegl ceboyrz,' ohg sbe Qbtf.
5) Jr pna'g ehyr bhg gung bar bs gur qbtf' anzrf zvtug or "Enzfrl."
6) Vs lbh qb abg ubyq n CuQ va gur zngurzngvpf bs tencu gurbel, lbh ner abg gur frnepu ratvar. Tbbtyr vf.