NeuroCache #8 Traditional Cache
NeuroNomad: Archiving this cache.
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In a Rest Area. The cache is a Magenetic Hide-A-Key. Bring a pen as there is a log only.
Look low, remember to look for metal. This is near picnic tables, not enclosed buildings. Look for metal. Remember look low, kitty cat low.
Additional Hints
Ba gur sbbg bs bar bs gur cnivyyvbaf gung vf shegure njnl sebz gur erfg pragre. Gur srrg bs gurfr cnivyyvbaf vf n H funcrq zrgny cvrpr, vg vf hc va gur zvqqyr bs gur H. Uneq gb frr jvgubhg nyzbfg orvat ba lbhe xarrf.