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The Missing Eight Grand Traditional Cache

Hidden : 09/28/2003
2.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Excerpt from the "Pittsburgh Gazette Times"
The shoot-up of the First National Bank of Castle Shannon by four bandits in a daring daylight robbery that had all the thrills of the most lurid hold-up of the movies or dime-novel stories of "Wild West" days. The death of two officials in a desperate battle which they emptied three revolvers in a futile attempt to save the bank's funds from the desperadoes, a sensational running gun fight through the streets of the little community, the escape of two of the robbers in an automobile held in readiness for them, the fatal shooting of one of the gunmen supposed by his "pal" when capture seemed inevitable and an angry posse of citizens - these were among the events which made the Pittsburgh suburb yesterday the stage of one of the most tragic spectacles of outlawry in the history of Western Pennsylvania.
That afternoon in 1917, $18,500 was stolen from the First National Bank. Of that, $8,000 was never recovered and local legend holds that it may be hidden in these woods. Perhaps while searching for this traditional cache behind what is now the Mytle Avenue Elementary School, you'll find more than you bargained for. I can say that you are likely to find mountain bike trails and teenage make-out camps.

The best way to approach this is to park in the Mt. Lebanon Municipal Golf Course parking lot (N40 22.234 W80 1.439) and walk down to enter the woods next to the Mulching Facility.

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Original Cache Contents:

  • Check Register
  • Money Flash Cards
  • Monopoly CD-ROM Game
  • WheresGeorge Dollar
  • $516.40 cache (in play money)
  • Commemorative State Quarter Collection Book with assorted State Quarters.
  • $100 coin (100 pecos, actually, though they use the same symbol. Worth about $9US)
  • Susan B. Anthony $1 coin
  • Sakajawea $1 coin
  • "Knights of the Dinner Table" comic, Issue #83 (With rules for GeoHack Collectable Card Game)
  • Glow Stick
  • Locker Key Travel Bug

Additional Hints (No hints available.)