Sparky Cache Traditional Cache
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Terrain is really ridiculously easy, but some ingenuity is required to find the cache itself. It is in a peanut butter jar, and is rather large. It is also located on private property, with the owner's permission.
Located in the University District of Seattle, in Greek Row. Watch for fraternities and sororities (yes, the actual buildings) roaming around.
Please don't step on any plants or they will die.
Original Contents:
Rubber Band Ball
Logitech Mouse
1 packet Sen-Sen
1 packet Alka-Seltzer
1 deck of cards
assorted guitar picks
assorted Canadian pocket change
Dental Floss (unused)
**** Updated 11/30/03 ****
I have changed the difficulty from a four star back down to a three. Amazing what accurate coordinates will do for ya!
Don't decrypt all the hints unless you really have to. They are a DEAD GIVEAWAY!
Additional Hints
1. Guvf fher vf n jrveq fcbg sbe bar n' gurfr!
2. Qba'g jbeel, vg'f abg ubbxrq hc.
3. Fcnexl... Nf va... Gur sver qbt?