Bird Song Traditional Cache
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Parking is available on Rt. 9W at Cornel Mine trail head near Iona Island, compared with most of my caches this is a rather easy walk.
Follow the blue trail on left side of stream. The cache overlooks Iona Island and Marsh which is a Bird sanctuary and nesting area for Bald Eagles, The island itself makes a great stroll. The cache is an ammo can and contains my usual CD's and other bric a brac.
Additional Hints
Nsgre n fubeg pyvzo gur genvy yriryf, gurer vf n qrnq gerr nobhg 12' gnyy jurer vg oebxr bss juvpu vf fgvyy fgnaqvat ba gur genvy, sebz urer gnxr n pbzcnff ernqvat bs 150 qrterrf. vg vf nobhg 100' nurnq va fbzr ebpxf arkg gb n gerr jvgu n ynetr tebjgu ng vgf onfr.