If you want to try to make your way along the stages as short as
possible, you should consider using a city map. The total walking
distance is about 6.5 km (it took me 2 hours to walk the tour, no
museum stops included); the tour is more or less completely
suitable for strollers - there is just few steps.
You will have to solve all of the questions at the following
stages. The order in which you solve it, does not matter for
the final solution.
Leave your car or bike at the above coordinates ("Urfahraner
Jahrmarktgelände") or take the trams #1 or #3 to the
"Rudolphstrasse" stop.
The new town hall is just across the street from stage 1, at the
N 48°18.557'
E 014°17.010'.
The City of Linz
service center at the corner of the town hall building (open Mo-Fri
from 7am to 6pm) should be able to provide you with additional
information (and a map of the city centre).
Stage A:
N 48°18.588'
E 014°17.052'
Visit the Ars
Electronica Center and count the concrete columns on its west
If this number is
0, then A=9
2, then A=2
7, then A=1
9, then A=5
Stage B:
N 48°18.517'
E 014°17.321'
Visit the Lentos
Museum of Modern Art Linz and count the number of horizontal
glass panels above you.
If this number is
115, then B=4
258, then B=1
386, then B=2
459, then B=6
Stage C:
N 48°18.606'
E 014°17.524'
Visit the Brucknerhaus and have a look at the monuments in front
of it. One of it is called "Hommage à Anton Bruckner". When was it
If this year is
1977, then C=8
1982, then C=9
1993, then C=7
2001, then C=5
Stage D:
N 48°18.346'
E 014°17.191'
The pest column is one of the attractions on Hauptplatz. What is
the last word on the inscription on the south side of the
If it is
Carolo, then D=3
Civitate, then D=7
Lincensis, then D=2
Servatori, then D=6
Stage E:
Go to "Klosterstrasse 11".
For how long did Johannes Kepler work here?
If it was for
10 years, then E=5
14 years, then E=2
16 years, then E=0
19 years, then E=3
Stage F:
Go to "Promenade 24".
When was the bell sent to Vienna?
If it was in
1949, then F=9
1952, then F=7
1955, then F=1
1958, then F=4
Stage G:
N 48°18.016'
E 014°17.193'
The building is (obviously) one of the bigger ones in Linz. How
many glass windows are there above the eastern main entrance?
If it is
10, then G=5
14, then G=0
18, then G=6
22, then G=1
Stage H:
Go to "Hofgasse 23".
For how long was this building used as "Hofkanzley", before it was
turned into a school that both Anton Bruckner and Rainer Maria
Rilke attended?
If it was for
158 years, then H=7
199 years, then H=4
217 years, then H=6
302 years, then H=8
Stage I:
N 48°18.300'
E 014°16.911'
After passing through (or around) the old building, you find a
somehow displaced item.
If it is a
gondola, then I=5
aircraft, then I=2
anchor, then I=3
turbine, then I=6
Stage J:
N 48°18.269'
E 014°16.783'
This is supposedly the oldest existing church in Austria.
If its existence was first documented in
April 797, then J=5
July 798, then J=0
June 799, then J=6
March 801, then J=9
After having found out all the solutions, calculate the final
coordinates of the cache as follows:
N 48° AC.EGI'
E 014° BD.FHJ'
The cache container is a black film container.
It originally contained:
- log book (please do not remove)
- pencil (please do not remove)
Please rehide the cache container exactly where you found it!
If you are tired from your tour, stop by at the picturesque
"Biergartl" at
N 48°18.512'
E 014°16.913' (open only during the warm season)
or the "Fischerhäusl" at
N 48°18.525'
E 014°16.952';
both places are just a few steps away from your car/bike and the
tram station.
Happy hunting,
Version 2