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Palava Traditional Cache

Hidden : 3/17/2004
2 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Strucne o Pálave

Chranena krajinna oblast Pálava byla vyhlasena v roce 1976. Nachazi se v nejjiznejsi casti Moravy mezi rekou Dyji a cesko-rakouskou hranici. Lidova etymologie vysvetluje jmeno Pálava jako "zeme spalena sluncem", vzhledem k suchemu a teplemu podnebi cele oblasti. Prirodovedna i kulturni vyjimecnost celeho uzemi nalezla sve oceneni v navrhu na zacleneni do svetove site biosferickych rezervaci UNESCO. Stalo se tak na podnet Ceskoslovenskeho vyboru programu Clovek a biosfera v roce 1986.


CHKO Pálava je oblibenym cilem turistu z celeho uzemi republiky i ze zahranici, kteri sem prichazeji obdivovat neobvykle krasnou krajinu, prirodu, historicke i architekonicke pamatky i vyuzivat pohostinnost mistniho obyvatelstva. Nejnavstevovanejsim mistem je NPR Devin, ktera se vyznacuje neobycejne rozmanitou prirodou. Navstevnikum ji priblizuje naucna stezka. Z nekolika mist se nabizi pohled na velkou cast jizni Moravy, prilehle oblasti Dolnich Rakous a slovenske Male Karpaty.

Dalsi informace na

Doporuceni k lovu

Prijemny celodenni vylet muzete zacit na zeleznicni zastavce Popice a odtud pokracovat stale po cervene turisticke znacce az do Mikulova. Tato trasa je dlouha cca 18 km. V pripade, ze nejste priznivci turistiky a dopravili jste se automobilem, muzete zaparkovat u vstupu do rezervace ve smeru od obce Klentnice (N 48°51.332, E 16°38.679) nebo na parkovisti na konci obce (N 48°51.023, E 16°38.540). Na souradnicich N 48°51.668, E 16°38.702 si odpocinte a nacerpejte energii, protoze vas ceka pulkilometrovy vystup s prevysenim 100 m.

Nezapomente, ze se pohybujete v chranene prirodni rezervaci, ve ktere plati:

  • zakaz jizdy na kole
  • zakaz chozeni mimo vyznacene stezky
  • zakaz rozdelavani ohne a taboreni
  • zakaz trhani chranenych rostlin
  • zakaz provozovani padakoveho letani aj.

Preji vam prijemny lov.

© 2004 Davee

Update 8. 11. 2011:

  • Výmena krabicky - bylo prasklé vícko.
  • Zvoleno nové umístení tak, aby nemusela být umístena za tabulkou zákazu vstupu.
  • Úkryt zamaskujte alespon tak dobre, jak byl pri vašem príchodu.

Update 2. 3. 2011:

  • Kvuli opakovanému poškození keše jsem se rozhodl k jejímu presunu o pár metru dál, na místo, kde bude mít vetší klid (dobre vím, jaké davy turistu se v príjemných letních dnech v okolí predchozího umístení kešky pohybuje ci odpocívá).
  • Hledejte 20cm skalní dutinku ve výši pasu.
  • Presunem došlo ke zvýšení obtížnosti (celkové i terénní) - na posledních 10 metrech (od infotabulky) budte opravdu opatrní, s detmi na finální místo radeji nechodte!

About Pálava

In 1976, the Pálava Protected Landscape Area (PLA) was declared in the countryside around the Pavlovské Hills in South Moravia. Pálava can be translated into English as “Sun-baked Country”, which refers to the sun-heated limestone rocks of the Pavlovske Hills and the dry loess slopes of the rolling countryside of this region.


Pálava BR is one of the Czech Republic’s primary destinations for tourists, who are drawn by the attractive and unusual landscape as well as the local history, monuments, and hospitality. The summit of Devín Hill, which provides a diverse range of natural environments – introduced by a nature trail – and fine long-distance views, has always been the most visited site. Knowledge of the region’s history can be obtained from the exhibitions in the Regional Museum in Mikulov and in Dolní Vestonice, and also from individual sites, such as the Devicky and Sirotci Hradek castle ruins, the “Monument of Rural Architecture” in Pavlov, and the “Safeguarded Town Monument” in Mikulov. More detailed understanding can be gained by visiting the numerous historical monuments which are scattered throughout the Pálava BR. Recent changes, particularly in the political and economic sphere, permit the development of an intermediate level of service that provide accommodation for both local and foreign visitors.

For further infos visit

Seek suggestion

You can start your day-long trip at Popice train station and continue by following a red marked path heading to Mikulov. This trip is aprox. 18 km (11,25 miles) long. In a case you don't like hiking and came by car, you can park by the entrance to the reservation heading from Klentnice village (N 48°51.332, E 16°38.679) or at the parking place at the end of the village (N 48°51.023, E 16°38.540). At N 48°51.668, E 16°38.702 take a rest becauase you'll have to manage a 500 metres long climb, with altitude change of 100 metres.

Do not forget you are in the reservation, so please respect rules like:

  • no bikers
  • no hiking out of the marked paths
  • no camping and making a fire
  • no culling of protected flowers
  • no parachute flying etc.

Wish you a nice hunt.

© 2004 Davee

Update 8. 11. 2011:

  • box change - the cover was broken,
  • new location - now the cache isn't placed behind NO ENTRY sign.

Update 2. 3. 2011:

  • Due to repeated damages to the cache, I decided to move it a few metres away, to a more quiet location (I know how many tourist walked around or relaxed near the previous cache place).
  • Look for a rock cavity (20 cm high, 15 cm wide) in the height of your waist.
  • This moving caused an increase in difficulty (overall and terrain) - be really careful on the last 10 meters (from the small infotable) and do not take children to the final location!


Additional Hints (Decrypt)

H fybhcxh

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)