Lego Land Traditional Cache
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Well before humans inhabited this earth, there were giants! Just like humans, the giants loved to play with Lego. Well, that’s the conclusion I drew when I visited this place – maybe I’m wrong, but you can make up your own mind.
In any case there are huge blocks everywhere! The best place to start is at the ex-collimation tower: 35º36.199 S, 148º57.118 E.
From there head along an unmarked path to cross a large flat rock with two overhanging rocks at 35º36.066 S, 148º56.983 E.
The path is sometimes hard to spot, but is worth using, as it makes the going easy. Now find the path again, and head toward Legoland. Legoland is a dangerous place – not suitable for geokiddies! It is also a very impressive place! As mentioned on the signs at the ex-collimation tower you need to exercise extreme caution here! The cache itself is located at a safe place, and can be accessed safely if the right path is found. There are also numerous non-safe ways to approach the cache, and unless you are into rock-climbing / abseiling I recommend you look for the safe path. The given coordinates take you to an entrance of Legoland! You need to go in, and find the cache! (I didn’t put the actual coordinates, as there is no signal there, but it should be easy enough to find once you find the entrance. This is not the only cave at Legoland, there is another even more impressive one. - For that one, try Lego Land II.
Please BYO pen.
Additional Hints
Onpx bs pnir, urnq urvtug, ernpu nebhaq.