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Radyne - Emperor's new castle Traditional Cache

Hidden : 6/26/2004
2 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Radyne is the highest hill (567 m) in the vicinity of Pilsen with huge remains of a gothic castle on top. Cache is on top of a rocky stack, in a forest approx. 250 m north of castle ruin.

567 m vysoka Radyne s masivni zriceninou gotickeho hradu na vrcholu je nejvyssim kopcem v okoli Plzne. Cache se nachazi na vrcholku skalni kupy v lese asi 250 m severne od hradu.

Pohled na hrad ze skaly pobliz skryse. Foto: TEA_CR.

History of the Radyne castle: Charles IV, Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia ordered to build this castle in 1350s. The castle had to secure the royal power in the region of Pilsen and protect trade routes to Bavaria. Its original name was Karlskrone (also other castles in Bohemia still hold Charles' name, e.g. Karlstejn-Karlstein, Kasperk-Karlsberg). This time the strange name didn't become commonly used and disappeared after about hundred years; the castle began to be called the same way as the hill - Radyne. Radyne is a modern type of castle in which the tower, palace and chapel are concentrated in one body, similar to, e.g., Kasperk near Susice. Afer a fire in 1520s, the castle has been left abandoned. In the 20th century, the tower of Radyne has been restored and converted into a lookout tower. It offers a round view over the whole Pilsen area (if interested in bird's-eyes view of the castle itself, then don't miss the following video captured by geocacher Drahyy).

Open: in April, May, September, October on Sat. and Sun.; from July to August daily except Mon.
Admission: 40 CZK

Parking is possible in close proximity of castle (N49 40.830 E013 27.870). You can get there by road from southeast (e.g. from Stahlavy).

There is no direct path from castle to the cache. It could be a bit difficult to reach it, because of weak satellite signal in the forest. But the reception should be very good after you reach the cache location.

Good luck.

Vyhled na Stary Plzenec z vrcholu hradni veze. Foto: Honzik&Pavlinka.

Par slov o hradu: Cisar a kral Karel IV. nechal v 50. letech 14. stoleti na vrchu Radyne postavit hrad, kery mel slouzit jako stredisko kralovske moci v oblasti Plzne. Panovnik nebyl v oblasti propagace zadny troskar a tak, stejne jako dalsi sve stavby (napr. Karlstejn, Kasperk), pojmenoval hrad po sobe: Karlskrone. Tentokrat se vsak Karlovo jmeno neujalo a hrad je dodnes zvan stejne jako kopec, na kterm stoji. Ve sve dobe se jednalo o pokrocily typ hradu s vezi plne integrovanou do palacove budovy, stejne jako napr. na Kasperku. V neklidnych pohusitskych casech hrad vystridal radu drzitelu, ale jeho vojensky vyznam se s rozvojem delostrelby vytratil. Od pozaru po roce 1520 byl hrad opusten a chatral. Teprve po ctyrech stoletich jej zakoupilo mesto Stary Plzenec a zapocalo s opravami. 22 m vysoka vez, na kterou vede 118 strmych schodu, nyni slouzi jako rozhledna a z jejiho vrcholu se otevira kruhovy vyhled do dalekeho okoli (pokud vas naopak zajima, jak vypada z ptaci perspektivy hrad, nenechte si ujit nevsedni video, jez poridil kacer Drahyy).

V bezprostredni blizkosti hradu se nachazi parkoviste (N49 40.830 E013 27.870), kam dojedete po silnici z JV strany kopce (napr. od Stahlav).

Pristup k cachi je orientacne ponekud narocnejsi, protoze na misto od hradu nevede prima cesta a v hustem lese muze byt problem se signalem. Primo u cache by uz naopak mel byt prijem signalu velmi dobry.

Mnohem zajimavejsi zazitky vsak nabizi pesi tura ze Stareho Plzence. Doporuceny postup je nasledujici: Od nadrazi je to k hradu cca 2 km po zlute znacce. Znacka odbocuje z hlavni ulice v miste N49 41.365 E013 28.495 (i zde se necha odstavit auto) a dal pokracuje lesem vzhuru k hradu. Pote, co jste si prohledli hrad, se nevracejte stejnou cestou, ale obejdete jej ze SZ strany smerem k cachi. Od pokladu pak sestupujte zhruba k SV vyslapanou cestickou po hrebeni s vystupujicimi romantickymi skalkami ve smeru N 49 41.070 E013 28.030 k vyhlidce na hornim okraji lomu N 49 41.121 E013 28.088 (Stary Plzenec jako na dlani), sebehnete vlevo (zapadni stranou) do lomu a cestou napric jeho dnem (N 49 41.203 E013 28.112) se dostanete zpatky na znacku u kraje lesa. Lze samozrejme jit i v opacnem smeru, to byste ale nemeli vyhled ve smeru chuze.

Hodne stesti.

This is the oldest cache in Pilsen and surroundings.
Tato cache je vubec nejstarsi na Plzensku.

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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[cesky] 1)fxhcvanonyinah aniepubyh mncnqavxhcl 2)mncnqavfgenan cneqrpvzrgeh bqcngloevml 3)cbqonyinarz mnxelgbzrafvzxnzrarz [English] 1)tebhcbsobhyqref bagbcbsgurjrfgfgnpx 2)jrfgfvqr guveglvapurf sebzsbbgbsnovepugerr 3)haqrenobhyqre pbirerqjvgu nfznyyrefgbar

Decryption Key


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