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BoB One Traditional Cache

Hidden : 10/23/2004
1 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

Just 1 Bottle of Beer on the wall, just 1 bottle of beer; take it down and pass it around...and then there will be NO MORE BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL! A Metal Plate (aka BoB) on a Street Sign

The BoB Series ran from 10-23-2004 through December 4, 2006 and was visited by over 300 cachers who logged over 28,000 finds for the series. Genius Loci and Hutt collaborated to bring one of GL's ideas to the caching world - a series of 99 identical hides - 99 'Bottles of Beer' on the wall - 99 metal plates on signs - in some of the most architecturally interesting areas and communities of the North Shore of Chicagoland. Most cachers did a 'BoB run' which was completed by the speediest groups in under five hours - most cachers averaged 6-8 hours during which time they grabbed a few extras and had a grand total for the day of over One Hundred Caches! Over 250 cachers credit the BoBs with giving them thier single 'greatest number of caches found in one day' claim.

This plate (metal plate on the back of a street sign) is the #1 of 99 plates which were in the series - I've kept it up in remembrance of the series.....and because I live nearby and have greeted the visiting cachers more than a few times!

The original cache description begins below;

Make sure that you cache with a pen in your hand,
there's no need to stray off of public land!
Keep your wits sharp as you search for what's hidden,
and remember that railroad tracks are forbidden.

Be wary, or you'll find your hunting cut short
by Muggles who catch you and ruin our sport.
And if you are short, you might wish to be tall
as you hunt for my Bottles of Beer on the Wall.

- BoB (the Idiot Savant)

For the story behind this cache series, please see the cache description for BoB 99). Please keep spoilers out of your online posts. If you have remarks on the series as a whole, send your comments to Idiot Savant via the cache placer's profile.

Under no circumstances should cache hunters sign anything except for the actual cache log sheet. Signatures or stickers found on anything other than an actual cache log sheet may result in online "Found it" log deletions for the entire series.

Please submit maintenance requests directly to Idiot Savant via the cache placer's profile.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)