This webcam cache utilizes a one of the WSDOT Puget Sound Traffic Cameras. Its placement allows you to get a photo of yourself without putting yourself in danger. Once you have everything ready, proceed to the posted coordinates. Look up to the North and see the traffic camera. call your friend. Once he or she has surfed to this geocache page, hold up your GPSr and smile. Before long, your friend should see your smiling face (albeit blury and distant) on the monitor.
Quick! Your friend needs to save that photo by right-clicking on the photo and selecting "Save Picture As...". Once the photo is saved, you may return home and log your find. Be sure to upload the photo with your log entry in order to get the 'find'. No photo, no find. At one time you were also to sign the log which was in a magnetic hide-a-key, painted to blend in with its surroundings.
Look on the ground for a benchmark disk. It's on the sidewalk, so you won't get run over. See the date? It says XY/99. Plug XY into the coordinates below if you want to see where I hid the nearby microcache. The microcache had a big green arrow pointing right at it. If you go to that location, you will not find a microcache there. It is gone. Really. Seriously.
Old microcache coordinates:
47° 36.873
122° 19.7XY
Why is this 2.5 stars? First, it requires a friend and a cell phone. While cell phones don't constitute 'special equipment' these days, finding a willing friend is worth at least half a star. Second, the camera only snaps a photo every minute or so. Thus, you may be standing there waving your GPSr for longer than you'd like. Third—and this is the big one—the camera sometimes may be pointing north. In this case, you are hosed. You will have to wait until it is pointing south. (See sample images.) Then there is the whole parking issue.
The photo above was the live image from the webcam when you loaded this page. Your friend may refresh this page to get an updated photo. Alternatively, you could go directly to the WSDOT page for this camera. The images below show the two different views. Remember, you need the south view. Good luck with your mission!