Katzenbuckel Volcano Earthcache EarthCache
Katzenbuckel Volcano Earthcache
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The main coordinates refer to a safe place to park, nearby you will find the first two stations of a short tour to the features of the Katzenbuckel volcano. Follow the trail named way of Crystals (“Weg der Kristalle”) to visit all the stations. The Katzenbuckel is with 626m asl the highest point in the low mountain range of the Odenwald.
You have to bring a measuring tape and you should bring a camera .
Ihr muesst ein Massband und solltet eine Kamera dabei haben!
The Katzenbuckel Mountain as a flat hilltop nowadays tower above by about 100 m the Triassic “Buntsandstein”-Plain of the Odenwald.
In the area of the Katzenbuckel hilltop you can find much younger fossils of the Jurassic age, this leads to the conclusion that the nowadays earth surface was covered by a 600-700m thick succession of rocks when the Katzenbuckel volcano erupted about 60 million years ago. This eruption caused a tremendous explosion which created a hole in the earth surface of approximately 400 m depth and 1000 m wide. This hollow structure collapsed and filled with erupted volcanic rocks and the surrounding sedimentary rocks. Gradually the rock layers above were eroded to the present surface made of Buntsandstein sandstones. The harder volcanic rocks of the Katzenbuckel were harder to erode and thus formed a shallow hill.
Some of the volcanic rocks were mined in a quarry and used as gravel in the construction of roads. In 1974 the mining was discontinued and in the former quarry a small lake formed (not to be mixed up with a crater lake). The tour has a length of about 1,5 kilometres and good shoes are recommended, please do not leave the path as in some parts you are walking close to the cliff (not risky at all if you stay on the paths!).
At the final station of the path you should climb the tower (if it’s open) and enjoy the view! A German Version will follow, since the signs and the descriptions are all in German it should not be a problem to answer the questions below.
For claiming this cache send me an email (using the send message function in my Profile) answering the following questions:
What’s the phone number of the office that made the concept of the path? Which number has the sign covering the volcanic bombs? Send the coordinates of the location of the sign. In this area you can find a volcanic bomb near the sign please use your tape measure and measure the diameter and circumference of that bomb. Include these dimensions in your mail.
Who made when the the sign covering the information about the botany ?
In addition you should provide with you log a Photo of yourself clearly showing the measuring tape, gps and eiter the lake or the tower in the background.
As this may longer be mandatory (as per the change in the guidelines you can log without it, however if I have serious doubts that you were not there to solve the task and just guessed your answer I may delete your log if you did no post a photo...
You can provide the answers (and log the cache) either in english or german, (that might help some tourists).
PLEASE do sent your email address along so that I can answer!
German version of the questions:
Damit ihr die Fragen beantworten könnt folgt bitte dem Weg der Kristalle, dann kommt ihr an allen notwendigen Stationen vorbei.
Um den Cache loggen zu dürfen sendet mir bitte eine Email (nutzt die send message Funktion im GC Profil) mit den Antworten zu den folgenden Fragen: Wie lautet die Telephonnummer des Büros, dass den Weg konzeptionell erarbeitet hat?
Welches ist die Nummer der Station die sich mit den vulkanischen Bomben befasst? Sende mir bitte die Koordinaten von dem Schild. In der Naehe des Schildes befindet sich eine vulkanische Bombe, bitte messt den Durchmesser und Umfang dieser Bombe und uebersendet die Masse in eurer mail.
Wer erstellte wann das Schild zur Botanik ?
Zuseatzlich solltet ihr mit eurem log ein Photo von euch das deutlich das Massband und Gps und euch vor dem See oder Turm zeigt hochladen.
Wenn ihr kein Photo von euch postet und ich glaube das ihr nicht vor Ort wart dann koennte es passieeren das ich euer Log loesche...
BITTE sendet eure Email adresse mit sodass ich euch antworten kann, ansonsten riskiert ihr das euer Log geloescht wird denn ich bin nicht willens euren Antworten hinterherzurennen... Antworten koennen auf deutsch oder english uebermittelt werden, was immer einfacher fuer euch ist!
Wenn ihr diesen Earthcache emacht habt: Gratulation ihr habt Deutschlands ersten Earthcache besucht!
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