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Military Toot Step Multi-Cache

2.5 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

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How Geocaching Works

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Geocache Description:

This multi-cache involves a walk around some places of historic interest at Pett Level. The distance covered is small but the history spans several thousand years.

The total length of the walk is about a mile and a quarter on a mixture of hard paths and (sometimes soggy) fields. Visiting at low tide would make part of the walk more interesting but it’s not essential. Waterproof footwear is recommended if you decide to take a wander on the beach. Beware of the mud holes!

The co-ordinates given are for the car park at the start of the walk.

Information gathered at the first set of co-ordinates will lead you to a second location, those at the second will lead you to the third and those at the third will lead you to the final cache site.

The cache is small camouflaged pot within an outer container.

Start in the car park at N50 53.314 E000 41.041

To find the second location N50 53.aab E000 41.cdc go to the information board about the Royal Military Canal and find the answers to these questions:

1. How many pipes are being smoked in the picture? Answer multiplied by 2 = a

2. How many shovels can be seen in the picture? Answer= b

3. The Royal Military Canal was built between the following dates 1804 and 18c9. Answer = c

4. How deep was the canal designed to be?
Answer multiplied by 2 = d

Turn right on leaving the car park and turn right again into what looks like a private driveway. You’ll see a footpath finger post just ahead on the left, this is the beginning of your walk into history.

To find the third location N50 53.efg E000 41.egh look for the answers to the next set of questions
(Due to the poor condition of this board the answers have been highlighlighted):

1. There is one animal in the picture, how many letters are in its name. Answer = e

2. How many species of tree were found in the forest. Multiply this number by itself. Answer = f

3. Approximately how many hours are there between high and low tide? Answser=g

4. The Piddock is a bivalve mollusc. How many shells does a bivalve have? Answer= h

On your way to the third location look out for The Big White House, on the left, featured in the Channel 4 series “Grand Designs”

At the third location you’ll obtain the information needed to complete the co-ordinates of the final cache.

NOTE: This location has been completely wrecked by the EA heavy plant! The noticeboard has been removed but the location remains intact. Therefore the answers to the questions can now be found in a small camouflaged 35mm film pot hidden under some stones behind the "location". Please re-cover thoroughly.

1. The 17th century warship beached here was 1k1 feet long

2. The main deck guns on the ship were 3m pounders.

3. The Protection of Wrecks Act was passed in 19n3

4. The year in which the ship was wrecked was 1p90

Now use these answers to calculate the following:
q = a + m

r = g - p

s = p - b

Now you should have sufficient information to complete the coordinates for the final cache location at:

N50 53.kqr E00041.sma

There has been significant maintenance on the site but the final cache is still accessible. The spoiler photo should help to locate the access point. To avoid the location being muggled, please replace and cover all parts of the cache very carefully to ensure that nothing is easily visible.

On the way to the final cache location you’ll cross a bridge over the Royal Military Canal. On your way back to the car park, instead of walking along the road, which has no footpath, turn right immediately after crossing the bridge and follow the canal back to your starting point.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Ybbx qbja ng gur JJ2 erznvaf Vil, vg'f va gur pna!

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)