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An ambiguous report about the end of the world Traditional Cache

Hidden : 01/14/2005
1.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Only few meters from "civilization" true beauty is hiding
Iba par metrov od "civilizacie" sa skryva skutocna krasa

This cache will show you Vrbicke Pleso, the biggest tarn of Low Tatras, but here are all the talks just wasting of time. You have to see it! | Tato cache Vam ukaze Vrbicke Pleso, najvacsie jazero v Nizkych Tatrach, ale tu su vlastne vsetky reci zbytocne. Treba vidiet!

Winter warning! That snow covered meadow near cache is lake. | V zime si treba dat pozor! Ta snehom pokryta luka kusok od cache je jazero.

listing v.2011-06-05.3 cache v.2011-04-24.b3

Profile for SureThing_II
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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[SK] Iynib cbq anwiäpšíz [EN] Gb gur yrsg, haqre gur ovttrfg

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)