100H2O Traditional Cache
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A traditional cache close to a very popular Viennese building.
The Hundertwasser House Vienna was the very first achitectural project that Friedensreich Hundertwasser was ever able to build. It has attracted considerable interest worldwide since it's opening in 1986. |
One way to get there is the tramway "1" from "Schwedenplatz" to "Hetzgasse". You can take a look at the map.
GPS reception is only about 10 to 15 meters at the cache location. This cache is hidden in a very public place so the main challenge (besides finding) is actually retrieving it without attracting attention.
You will need all your secret agent abilities :) Please be very stealthy and rehide the cache very carefully!
Version 1.01 (last update: 3rd April 2009)
Additional Hints
[give me a little hint] avargrrarvtuglsbhe
[one more hint, please] arkg gb n fgerrg yvtug