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Dee Bore Earthcache (Cheshire/Flintshire) EarthCache

Hidden : 04/08/2005
3 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

The Dee Bore is a phenomena as the water is funnelled into the Dee estuary, producing a noticeable wave up the river

In most tidal rivers the change from ebb to flood is a gradual process. The ebb current downstream slows, there is a period of slack water and then very slowly the flood tide starts flowing upstream. In a few rivers however, the behaviour is remarkably different. The onset of the flood tide is marked by a distinct and sometimes very vigorous wave - a bore This is at it's best when very high tides are expected above 10 meters at Liverpool, This occurs on only a few days each year. However lower tides can produce good bores if other factors are favourable such as a period of dry weather reducing fresh water flow in the rivers. The best placew to see the bore on the Dee is between the old road bridge at Queensferry (about 1 hr 50 min before HW Liverpool)and the Saltney Ferry footbridge (about 1 hr 20 minutes before High Water(HW) Liverpool). It does continue in a reduced form into Chester The above co-ordinates are for parking at the footbridge Tide Tables fcan be founds (visit link) To claim this please send me a picture of the bore and a picture containing your GPS from the same place (No old pictures, web images etc thanks)

In line with the new guidelines on earthcaches please provide the time that the bore went under the bridge - thanks

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Neevir rneyl naq or cercnerq sbe qvfnccbvagzrag

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)