FREE PARKING is nolonger available at 43-04.130 79-04.383
Stage 1. Here will find a plaque explaining about the Stranded Scow (just above the brink of the Falls)
This dumping scow broke loose from its towing tug about 1.6 km (1 mile) up river with Gustav. F. Lofberg and James N. Harris aboard.
The men opened the bottom dumping doors and the scow grounded in the shallow rapids.
They were rescued the next day by breeches buoy on a line shot out from the roof of the adjacent power house. In what year did the scow break loose from the towing tug?
Take the year and divide it by 1000 and add it to 43-02.288
Stage 2: Go to 43-04.273 79-04.370 Burch’s Mills (across from the Old Scow just above the brink of the Falls) John Burch, a United Empire Loyalists constructed a water-powered grist and saw mill on this site
. He was the first to use the waters on the west bank of the Niagara River for industrial purposes.
The mills were burned by the retreating American army on July 26, 1814, after the Battle of Lundy’s Lane.
In what year did John Burch construct a water powered grist and sawmill?
Take the year and divide it by 1000 and add it to 79-02.492
Final is a small plastic container.