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BattleField [Tala] Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

btreviewer: Esta cache foi arquivada por falta de uma resposta atempada e/ou adequada perante as situações relatadas. Relembro a secção das guidelines sobre a manutenção :

You are responsible for occasional visits to your cache to maintain proper working order, especially when someone reports a problem with the cache (missing, damaged, wet, etc.). You may temporarily disable your cache to let others know not to search for it until you have a chance to fix the problem. This feature is to allow you a reasonable amount of time – normally a few weeks – in which to check on your cache. If a cache is not being maintained, or has been temporarily disabled for an unreasonable length of time, we may archive the listing.

Because of the effort required to maintain a geocache, we ask that you place physical caches in your usual caching area and not while on a vacation or business trip. It is best when you live within a manageable distance from the cache placements to allow for return visits. Geocaches placed during travel may not be published unless you are able to demonstrate an acceptable maintenance plan, which must allow for a quick response to reported problems. An acceptable maintenance plan might include the username of a local geocacher who will handle maintenance issues in your absence.[/quote]

Como owner, se tiver planos para recolocar a cache, por favor, contacte-me por [url=]e-mail[/url].

Lembro que a eventual reactivação desta cache passará pelo mesmo processo de análise como se fosse uma nova cache, com todas as implicações que as guidelines actuais indicam.

Se no local existe algum container, por favor recolha-o a fim de evitar que se torne lixo (geolitter).


[b] btreviewer [/b] Volunteer Cache Reviewer

Hidden : 07/06/2005
1.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:


P:    Esta cache está situada na povoação da Tala, e que nos vai fazer lembrar um autêntico campo de batalha, pois é uns dos locais onde se costuma realizar autênticas batalhas campais, ou seja, o famoso jogo de "Paintball ", onde eu já fiz lá umas guerras na defesa do forte ( Quinta do Molha Pão ).

E:   This cache is situated in the population of the Tala, and that in it goes to make to remember them an authentic battlefield, therefore he is ones of the places where if usually to carry through authentic pitched battles, that is, the famous game of "Paintball", where I already made wars in the defence of the fort there (Quinta do Molha Pão).



P:    Por muita procura na net e através da Câmara Municipal de Sintra, não consegui muita informação à cerca do local, simplesmente descobri através das gentes locais que ali são terrenos que pertenciam à Quinta do Molha Pão, na qual viveram em tempos alguma nobreza. Sei também que além das nossas guerras de “Paintball ” na defesa do forte, também fazem lá perto treinos de guerra pelas nossas Forças Armadas e treinos de incêndios florestais pelos Bombeiros Voluntários, mas nada que ponha em causa a nossa integridade física. Como tal admirem o local e reparem na quantidade bolas de tinta esmagadas e “esborrachadas” pela zona, que fazem parecer autêntico festival de cor.

E:   For much search in net and through the City council of Sintra, I did not obtain much information to about the place, simply I discovered through the local people that are lands that belonged to the Quinta do Molha Pão, in which there had lived in times some nobility. I also know that beyond our wars of “Paintball” in the defence of the fort, also they make there close training's to war for our Armed Forces and training's of forest fires for the Voluntary Firemen, but nothing that puts in cause our physical integrity. As such they admire the place and they repair in the amount of ink balls jammed and crashes by the zone, that makes to seem authentic festival of colours.



P:   Esta cache está num local amplo, onde à entrada do lado esquerdo reparam no tal forte que tem de ser defendido, à direita a Quinta do Molha Pão que se vê melhor pela estrada principal, e mais ao fundo reparam numas pequenas muralhas que vão culminar numa fonte onde por vezes se encontram pequenotes a tomarem banho, uma área de beleza campal e pensar no que foi aquilo em tempos.


Nota Importante:

      Para irem de encontro à cache aconselho a que estacionem o carro neste Waypoint:

N 38º 47.840 – W 09º 18.299, depois vai de vocês na escolha do caminho a fazerem.


E:    This cache is in an ample place, where to the entrance of the left side they repair in the such fort that it has of being defended, to the right the Quinta do Molha Pão that if it more good sees for the main road, and more to the deep one they repair in small walls that go to culminate in a source where for times if they find little children's to take bath, an area of pitched beauty and to think about what he was that in times.


Important Note:

      To go of meeting to cache I advise the one that parks the car in this Waypoint:

N 38º 47.840   W 09º 18.299, later goes of yours choice’s of the way to make.


Boa Sorte   /   Good Luck



·         Bola da Panasonic / Panasonic Ball

·          Porta-chaves / Keys carrier

·          Colar de Madeira / Timber necklace

·          Atacadores / Laces for shoes

·          Bolsa plástica para Telemóvel / Mobile phone plastic case

      ·         Log Book and Pen


Cache in, Trash out

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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

C: Cregb qr hzn ebpun, cbe onvkb qn irtrgnçãb V: Pybfr gb n ebpx, haqre gur irtrgngvba

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)