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101 TFTs - Three of a kind Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

winini: I am archiving this series of caches because I have not been able to keep up with the necessary drop rate to keep tokens in circulation. If you previously have "noted" that you found and signed the cache log, you can now log a "find" without the necessary tokens.

Hidden : 7/23/2005
2 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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NOTE - new coordinates and container...

This cache has TWO requirements before logging a find. Read the instructions below. This is the fourth in a series of caches dedicated to my toy fox terriers (TFTs).

Before I had Echo and Jazz, I had a previous toy fox terrier. This is his story:

For several years, my girlfriend Nancy had been bugging me about getting a pet. She wanted a dog. I told her that with the amount of time we spend out of the house that maybe a cat was more appropriate. She asked dozens of times. One day she came home and said that she was going to the animal rescue store and get our new pet. I said I wanted to go and see what she chose.

Nancy didn't expect me to be so enthusiastic and on the way to the store she admitted she was going to pick up a dog against my advice. I asked what kind of dog was it? She said it was a toy fox terrier. I then asked what a toy fox terrier was. "It's a tiny white dog with a dark colored head. You'll like it." she said.

When we pulled up to the storefront, Nancy got all excited and yelled "There he is!". I looked at the big window but didn't know what she was looking at since there were so many cages in view. So I hustled into the store ahead of Nancy and walked to a cage. Inside was a small white dog with a dark head. I said "This little dog?". Nancy said "No, that's a rat terrier, look at the next cage". I glanced over at the next cage and started to say "But that cage is empty!", when I noticed there was a tiny white dog huddled in the corner about 1/4 the size of the rat terrier. As I got closer to the cage, he leaped to the front of the cage barking his head off. Not a great start for him and me.

The store assistant came running over to me and said that this would be an excellent dog for us. She talked about how he was abandoned because the previous owner became disabled and couldn't take care of him. She opened the cage door and plopped the small white dog into my arms all the while he continued to bark at me now from one foot in front of my face. This was not going well.

Nancy was all excited while I was trying to keep from going deaf as the assistant told us to take him for a walk outside and discuss our plans to adopt him. She could detect the current split opinion. We had a leash with us and upon getting outside, I leashed him up. It was like someone threw a switch but the little guy immediately stopped barking and started wagging his short tail and trotted around trying to stay in front of me as I weaved left and right around the parking lot.

When we got back into the store, the assistant ran up to us and asked what we decided. I looked up at Nancy who had her hands clasped together and was nodding her head up and down like a bobblehead. So I reluctantly agreed we'd give him a try. We signed all the papers and as we walked out, the assistant said "Oh, by the way his name is Knuckles". I laughed.

When we got into the car, I said "No dog of mine is going to be named Knuckles. That sounds like some large enforcement dog. What did you have in mind Nancy?". Nancy said "I was thinking of Rommel because he was the desert fox in WWII". I shook my head "No way, that's like naming your child Hitler or Attila. Not many kids are named that recently." Nancy came back "What name would you recommend?". I was thinking out loud "Well he's a toy fox..." and instead of saying terrier I said "Mulder" (being a fan of the X-Files, however not due to Mulder). "Fox Mulder. I like how it sounds". Nancy quickly agreed so in the one minute discussion we had his name of Mulder.

Mulder was an excellent and loyal dog to us but died prematurely on 9/10/2001 the day before the 9/11 New York disaster. It would be one real bad week. Neither of us could force a smile so one week later we got Echo as a replacement.

This was one of Mulder's favorite places to walk to since he'd like to take the longest walks possible. If the nearby fruit stand down the street is open, get some fresh fruit and veggies.

To log a FIND for this cache, you must have THREE of my signature items all DIFFERENT colors of the SAME dog. Currently that is possible with Echo only. As of the cache hiding date, there are 550 Echos running about with a minimum of 140 of each color: clear, yellow and black. If you have the required tokens, you should find and log the cache. With your FIND entry, you must post a picture of the qualifying tokens. I will mail a nice FTF prize to the first person to sign and post a picture of my dogs.

I am rating this a 2/1 because of the requirement to find the tokens ahead of time.

I will strive to ensure sufficient number of tokens are available of each color. If you should have difficulty finding them, drop me a line and I will make a large drop of them somewhere. Note: you will never need more than one token of any dog/color combination. But feel free to collect, trade or move them.

UPDATE: 8/10/05 - Replaced cache in an adjacent corner of the same field. Hopefully, this cache will last longer. No need to go onto the property. It's a small magnetic micro. Bring your own pen.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)


Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)