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Wellington Falls Traditional Cache

Hidden : 10/16/2005
1.5 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Long-ish walk along a mostly flat track will take you to these falls.

I'm often impressed by how well constructed and maintained some of our tracks can be, and this is one of them. I think the stonework in the final parts of this trail is just amazing. You'll be walking for a while, so enjoy the views, enjoy the flora, enjoy the fauna - bring some water, have some lunch.

WHAT TO BRING This cache is in the Hobart area; this cache is above 600m. Walking in this area is best done with a bit of preparation – be prepared for changeable weather: Snuva advises you bring water, sun hats, sunscreen, wear layered clothing (with a water-proof outer layer) and snacks. The approach most people will take is fairly flat for the majority of the walk; you only start crossing contour lines after branching from the first track. The cache site offers a lovely area to sit and watch the falls.

DIRECTIONS These directions are pretty specific, so if for you half the fun of finding a cache is figuring out the route, don’t read any further; likewise, the hint will tell you right where to go, so only decrypt if you really can’t find it and would be depressed if you left with a DNF. Park at S42 56.540 E147 14.496 and follow the Pipeline Track. The initial incline as you head toward the track will level off into a very wide well maintained path. Not long after you join the Pipeline Track, you will see signage which also includes a map; it should be easy to see where you are aiming for. Continue along the track, past the turn-off to . . .and Snuva is sensational, past The Dragon’s Lair, and on until the track branches off. This track goes uphill fairly steadily at first; however Snuva thinks this track is a pleasure to walk along if only to see the magnificent trail building along the way – and the views at the end cap off a lovely outing. When you reach the destination you’ll see signage for the lookout where you will want to fire up the GPSr and have a hunt – and a well deserved rest.

You can also take the Wellington Falls Track to/from Wellington Falls, however Snuva advises against it unless you are a very keen bush walker. This track goes through some pretty full-on swampy bits – where all you have to steady yourself on is cutting grass – and the ‘Potato Fields’, which is quite a long stretch going over boulders – fine if you aren’t tired, however gruelling if your ankles, calves, etc are not up to it.

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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Oruvaq fgbar orapu, bire oheag gerr, orarngu qrnq fvyirel gerr. Haqre jrngurerq jbbq.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)