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DP14 - Montado Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Lord of the Rocks: Unfortunately, this one has reached the end of its useful life. Thank you all for visiting and MAntunes for creating the opportunity to allow this cache to be born.

Hidden : 01/28/2006
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:



This cache was born as a result of an ideia MAntunes had when he designed his "Em busca das Nascentes do Sado" cache.

Esta cache nasce de uma ideia que o MAntunes teve quando formulou a sua cache "Em Busca das Nascentes do Sado".

Alentejo is a south-central region of Portugal. Its name's origin, "além do Tejo", literally translates to "beyond the Tagus". The region is separated from the rest of Portugal by the Tagus river, and extends to the south where it borders the Algarve. There are four sub-regions; the Alto (High) Alentejo, the Baixo (Lower) Alentejo, the Alentejo Central, and the Alentejo Litoral. Its main cities are Évora (the region's capital), Portalegre, Beja, and Sines. It has 776585 inhabitants (2001), and an area of about 31152 km².

The area is commonly known as the "bread basket" of Portugal, a region of vast open countryside with undulating plains and rich fertile soil. With very few exceptions all the major towns are mainly reliant on agriculture, livestock and wood.

"Montado" is the term given to the typical Alentejo scenery with its low undulating plains and sparse, scattered trees.

The cache:
This cache was for a while, in the womb of another cache namely, "em busca das nascentes do Sado", which was designed to carry in it another five microcaches for the visitors who wished to take one to hide it elsewhere in the Alentejo region to promote the population of caches in this region. As a result of such a visit, this cache can be regarded as the daughter cache and now lies hidden within the Castro Verde County near Santa Bárbara dos Padrões.
The cache will provide you with a unhindered panoramic view of the Alentejo plain that is well worth the trip. Also when you are there, listen to the sounds of silence.

The cache is hidden on the WNW side of a stone beacon at the top of a hill. You will do well to see and take the spoiler image with you so you don't tear the whole thing apart. Please remember to PRESERVE other people's property, i.e. LEAVE NO TRACE.
Please take note of the following:
- You have to WALK to the cache (do not drive/ride to the cache!)
- Car to cache will take you no more than 2 minutes (It's 195 m from car to cache)
- Entrance at N37º 38, 575 W 7º 58,269.
- If you find the gate open, then leave it so. However, if it is closed then close it after you when you go for the cache and once again when you leave.There may be livestock around that will wonder on to the road. You don't know how expensive sheep and pigs are until you get the bill.

Happy hunting!

A Região do Alentejo é uma região portuguesa, que compreende integralmente os distritos de Portalegre, Évora e Beja, e as metades sul dos distritos de Setúbal e de Santarém. Limita a norte com a Região Centro e com a Região de Lisboa, a leste com a Espanha, a sul com o Algarve e a oeste com o Oceano Atlântico e a Região de Lisboa. Área: 31152 km² (33% do Continente). População (2001): 776585 (8% do Continente).

Falamos de Alentejo quando falamos de Montado. Vasta zona que verdeja à sombra ora de azinheiras ora de sobreiros, onde o gado pastoreia livremente.

A cache:
Esta cache esteve durante uns tempos no ventre de uma outra cache entitulada "Em busca das nascentes do Sado" que foi formulada para levar cinco microcaches para depois de encontrada serem escondidas na região do Alentejo cuja população de caches ainda é deficitária. Portanto esta cache é uma das filhas e que agora está escondida no Município de Castro Verde perto de Santa Bárbara dos Padrões.
A cache proporciona uma bela vista da planície Alentejana e qundo lá estiverem, ouçam bem o som do silêncio.

A cache reside num marco de pedras no topo de um pequeno monte. Para não destruírem o marco é melhor levar a spoiler image quando forem procurar es ta cache. Lembrem-se de não danificar propriedade alheia ou seja, NÃO DEIXEM RASTO.
Atenção ao seguinte:
- Têm de ir a até à cache (De maneira nehuma vão de mota/bicicleta ou 4x4)
- O tempo do carro à cache deve rondar os 2 minutos (são 195 m do carro à cache).
- Entrada em N37º 38, 575 W 7º 58,269.
- De maneira nenhuma deixem o portão aberto quando forem à cache ou quando se ausentarem da zona. Existem muitos animais que certamente irão parar à estrada. Se acham que as costeletas e as febras estão caras, esperem até ter que pagar a ovelha ou porco inteiro.

Boas caçadas!


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Would you like to know more about Geocaching in Portugal?
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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Ubj gb trg gurer: Ng Pnfgeb Ireqr svaq gur ebnq gung tbrf gb Nyzbqôine. Whfg bhgfvqr PI, whfg cnfg gur crgeby fgngvba, ghea yrsg gb Fgn. O qbf Cnqeõrf. Pbzb yá purtne: Rz Pnfgeb Ireqr gbzrz n rfgenqn cnen Nyzbqôine. Abf neerqberf qr PI, qrcbvf qr cnffnerz n obzon qr tnfbyvan, iverz à rfdhreqn cnen Fgn. O. qbf Cnqeõrf.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)