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The Final Battle Multi-Cache

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This cache has been unavailable for a considerable period and as the owner has not responded to logs I am archiving it.

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Volunteer UK Reviewer

Hidden : 12/13/2006
5 out of 5
4 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Dear Friends,

The White Witch has ruled for so long there are only five talking birds left. Sallowpad the raven was one of the First Council, so is perhaps the most important, but the phoenix is the rarest. Farsight the eagle can fly highest and see farthest, in the daytime anyway, but he lacks the wisdom of Glimfeather the owl and the sense of humour of the jackdaw, so they both let him think he's the most important.

They have worked out a daily routine for keeping watch on the witch and her spies. The jackdaw calls it Neighbourhood Witch. Every day one stays put and the four others patrol separately, all visiting each of the other four nests just once, flying directly from one to the next. After a rest, they fly home by whatever route they please, but we're concerned just with the Neighbourhood Witch flights.

Today, unusually, all four set off by flying eastwards from their own nests to another nest, then northwards to a third, westwards to a fourth and southwards on the last. "Eastwards" doesn't mean "due east" you understand, but ending further east than you started. Between them they flew all ten flightpaths between their five nests.

Now, the further south a bird lives, the earlier it wakes up, so the earliest bird was the one whose nest is at 21.184'N. Soon enough he was off to check up on Sallowpad, then north to the Stone Table, west to see Glimfeather and finally south, ending at 21.241'W

The next of the four to wake up went from her nest at 21.352'N to visit the phoenix. The charred nest is quite distinctive, as you can imagine, but quite normal. Then off northwards to the northern marsh, which is truly boggy at this time of year, though that's not a problem if you fly! After a rest she headed west, and found the jackdaw's nest. She got to her destination at 21.401'W just before sunset.

Eventually, the sun reached the next bird's nest and he set off, muttering to himself that it was rather early. He was rather frightened by the great noise in Shuddering Wood, but went there anyway and finally reached 21.639'W safely.

At last the sun reached 21.620'N, and its occupant woke up. She went east to the Dancing Lawn with its hollow tree trunk that she had once built her own nest in. Then north to Farsight's eyrie and west to the banks of the Great River, glinting in the afternoon sun on its way to the Frozen Lake. Her journey's end was further west than that of any of the others.

One of the birds is guarding a fabulous treasure, it is said. You could find it, but beware; the witch may have planted red herrings to mislead you. It's safest to go by a different route from the others. Thanks to the CROW, you can go directly from any nest to any other, even on the ground, though crossing rivers may be a challenge. Trust only the birds and the messages they may leave for you at their nests.

You enter the land at the Lantern Waste, of course, but don't be put off. Most of it is much more attractive.

Look at my pictures.

Good luck.

Mr Tumnus

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Lbh unir orra tvira rabhtu vasbezngvba nobhg gur svir ybpngvbaf gb svaq bar bs gurz, jurer zber pyhrf jvyy yrnq lbh gb gur arkg naq fb ba. Lbh qba'g unir gb ivfvg gur Sebmra Ynxr, ohg vg vf engure ornhgvshy. Fghql gur cvpgherf, ybbx sbe zrffntrf uvqqra vafvqr be arne gur srrg bs gerrf.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)