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Alcube Valley Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

SUp3rFM: Esta cache foi arquivada por falta de uma resposta atempada e/ou adequada. Relembro a secção das guidelines sobre a manutenção :

As the cache owner, you are also responsible for physically checking your cache periodically, and especially when someone reports a problem with the cache (missing, damaged, wet, etc.). You may temporarily disable your cache to let others know not to hunt for it until you have a chance to fix the problem. This feature is to allow you a reasonable time – [b]normally a few weeks[/b] – in which to arrange a visit to your cache. In the event that a cache is not being properly maintained, or [b]has been temporarily disabled for an extended period of time, we may archive the listing[/b].

It may be difficult to fulfill your maintenance obligations if you place a cache while traveling on vacation or otherwise outside of your normal caching area. These caches may not be published unless you are able to demonstrate an acceptable maintenance plan. It is not uncommon for caches to go missing, areas to be cleared, trails to be blocked or closed, objects used for multi-cache or puzzles to be moved or removed, etc. [b]Your maintenance plan must allow for a quick response to reported problems.[/b]

Como owner, se tiver planos para recolocar a cache, por favor, contacte-me por [url=]e-mail[/url].

Lembro que o "desarquivamento" de uma cache, e a sua eventual consequente reactivação, passa pelo mesmo processo de análise como se fosse uma nova cache, com todas as implicações que as guidelines indicam.

Se no local existe algum container, por favor recolha-o a fim de evitar que se torne lixo (geolitter).

Abraço e obrigado,

SUp3rFM Volunteer Cache Reviewer

A cache by FGV Message this owner
Hidden : 03/05/2006
2 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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How Geocaching Works

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Geocache Description:

[PT] Aninhado entre as serras de Sao Luis e Sao Francisco, o vale de Alcube oferece vistas maravilhosas

[EN] Nested between Saint Louis and Saint Francisco mountain, Alcube valley offers marvellous views

[PT] Alcube, da palavra árabe "al Kubba" (significando "túmulo importante")... é este o nome do vale que se estende entre as serras de S. Francisco e de S. Luis e que foi em tempos palco de caçadas reais. Quem o percorra podera usufuir de maravilhosas vistas.

A melhor forma de usufruir destas paisagens é fazendo o percurso pedestre que vos convido a conhecer. O percurso tem aproximadamente 12 kms, circular, de dificuldade media

A placa que o assinala situa-se em N38 32.711 W8 55.752

Se quiser, posso enviar-lhe o trajecto, em varios formatos. Quando fiz este percurso tomei um ponto de partida diferente e deixei o carro em N38 31.168 W8 57.878, o que o deixará mais perto da cache

Se nao puder fazer o percurso todo, deixe o carro no sitio sugerido e va directamente ate à cache

Seja como for, respeite o local onde se encontra. Nao apanhe plantas, previna qq risco de incendio, nao saia dos trilhos assinalados e opte pelo silencio para nao perburbar a fauna e os outros caminheiros.

A cache: tupperware rectangular dentro de um saco verde, contendo um log book, 1 caneta, uma vela ornamental e uma recordacao de Sintra. Por favor, mantenha-a bem camuflada.

[EN] Alcube, from the arabic "al kubba" (meaning "important tomb") is the name of the valley nested between Saint Francisco and Saint Louis mountain ranges, where kings used to hunt. Walkers will get marvellous views.

The best way to enjoy the landscape is to walk the pedestrian path that I invite you to know. It's around 12 kms, circular, medium dificulty

It's start is signaled by a map at N38 32.711 W8 55.752

If you want, I can send you the track in several formats.

When I did this track I parked my car at N38 31.168 W8 57.878 and took a diferent approach which leads more quickly to the cache.

Either way, respect the places you'll visit. Don't pick plants, prevent the risk of fire, don't stray outside the designated track and opt for silence as to not disturb both fauna and other people.

The cache: it's a rectangular tupperware in a green plastic bag, containing a log book, 1 pen, a candle light and a souvenir from Sintra. Please, keep it well disguised.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[PT] an onfr qr hz ebpurqb [EN] ng gur onfr bs n ovt ebpx

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)