Ecopista Beja - Moura Traditional Cache
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Altitude: 62 meters over the sea. good terrain conditions to walk
or run. Be aware with the vegetation there are "cactus" in the
area. Use jeans and good shoes like trekking shoes and you will be
The Container is white covered by a black bag, with "Ecopista Beja
- Moura" logo on the top. Contents: pencil with eraser on the top,
Pencil sharpener, a four leafs trevor to bring luck hehe, a
keychain, earrings for the ladies, an old coin, few beautiful
stones a log book and an information letter.
Additional Hints
Gur pbagnvare yvrf bar fvqr bs n ovt ebpx. N fznyy pbva yvrf bire gung ebpx naq gur pbagnvare vf haqre na bgure fznyy ebpx gung yvrf ol gur fvqr bs gur ovt bar.